As many people in chat know - I have been without a car for a few months so don't often get to go do a full grocery shopping trip. But a neighbor of mine is away for a few days and is letting me use his truck while he is gone!
So needing desperately to grocery shop I headed for Trader Joe's today.
Also - some of you know I recently got my first ever miltonia spikes after trying for a few years. I wanted to be able to bloom them before I got anymore - even tho they are a favorite of mine.
So - here is what jumped into my cart today! I wouldn't normally get 3 orchids in one shopping trip - but haven't been to TJ's for some time and I couldn't resist
Milt. Dawn West 'Wild Wild West'
Milt. Robert Jackson 'Wild Thing'
Onc. Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance'
My nose led me to the Sharry Baby - was looking at the other orchids and could smell it - so then had to find it lol
And its a monster! the spike is over 3 feet!
Milt Robert Jackson 'Wild Thing' I had seen on ebay and wanted it - tho it was done blooming. Glad now I didn't get it.
Milt Dawn West 'Wild Wild West has beautiful colors - a pale-is yellow with rosey pink and peach mask