I just got back from a local orchid grower, who specializes Vandas/Ascdas. Here is what I got.
1. V. brunnea (one spike )
2. V. denisoniana ( two spikes )
3. Ascda. NOID. ( Can anyone identify what it is? Pic 3 & 4) - GIFT
She then gave another one, Neostyles 'Lou Nseary' Bluebird.
These plants have been really stressed due to the weather we had last winter. But I don't care. They look fine to me.
__________________ Naoki
Last edited by mollycart1; 05-24-2009 at 08:43 PM..
Great purchase, great prices. Your Bluebird looks great. One of these days I want to buy a denisoniana. I keep seeing such pretty pictures and I really want a yellow one. It will either be a denisoniana or a yellow hybrid.
Great purchase, great prices. Your Bluebird looks great. One of these days I want to buy a denisoniana. I keep seeing such pretty pictures and I really want a yellow one. It will either be a denisoniana or a yellow hybrid.
Lots of vandas, but no yellow one.
REALLY? No yellow one?!?!?! I don't have a pink one.
I found two of them in spike. The other one with 3 spikes which my friend bought had over 3 ft long roots. With my limited space on height, I could not get it.
BTW, I found the name of NOID. It is called, Ascda. Leopard ( Ascda Madame Kenny x Ascda Red Gem ).
Cool. I have a brunnea that wasn't in bloom when I got it (I don't know what it's doing at the moment, because it is in the care of a plantsitter). Least I know what the spike looks like.