One of the great reasons to visit friends in NYC (besides the great meals and the beer) is that Parkside Orchid Nursery is only 90 minutes away from Manhattan, and more or less (okay, less) on my way home. Can't recommend Parkside enough. Great friendly staff, incredible selection. I had a grand old splurge this time:
Rhyncholaelia (Brassavola) glauca
Phalaenopsis stuartiana
Dendrobium laevifolium
Oncidium cheirophorum (in bloom)
Bulbophyllum pardolatum (in bloom)
Dendrobium pachyphyllum
Cischweinfia sheehaniae (in bloom)
Miltonia spectabilis var. mooreana
LC Haw Yuan Angel (in bloom)
Update: posted a few pics of those in bloom. Thanks for looking!