05-17-2009, 02:52 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2007
Zone: 8b
Location: North East Florida
Posts: 983
I was pretty good at the Redlands Show
Well I tried to be good at Redlands I did my scouting thing for the first hour since I was looking for some landscaping orchids. Found a really nice Arundina bambusifolia & Bletia catenulate to put in my front garden. One of these guys will be near my latest Driftwood project. Many vendors I had not seen before but this was my frist trip to Redlands. Met up with Roly aka Roly0217 and Susan aka Susiep, and talked long enough to get our picture together, I'm wearing the hat so you can tell who is who. By then I only had 1 hour and 25 minutes to shop before our bus left. Here is the final list of what I found.
Arundina bambusifolia
Ascda Ooi Leng Sun (V Josephine Van Biero X Ascda Meda Arnold 'Blue Queen'
Ascda Hilo Jewel 'Vi'
Bletia catenulate
BLC Erin Kobayashi 'Amy Chen' AM/AOS-HOS
C Bob Betts X C Maxima
Yam Queen Adelia 'Kiilani' (BLC Orange Nugget x Yam. Sammie Evans)
Den Nopporn Starbright
P Taisuco Swan x Self
P Perfection is 'Chen' FCC/AOS
BL Morning Glory H & R AM/AOS (B nodosa x L purpurata)
The BL Morning Glory is a little chid I won on the raffle we had on the bus back.
I went with a budget and when I got home I told my husband I was really good He wanted to know if I got everything I wanted I said "no there were several I could not find". So maybe next time I'll find them. Darn I really could have gotten that Den. Gatton Sunray and they were big and beautiful. My bus buddies probably would have tied it on the back end since the luggage area underneath was FULL!