My wish list is very short because I have acquired all the plants I wanted to have throughout these years, but .......
Laelia Johnjeana and Laelia Pumila still elusive I don't know why.....
Miltoniopsis Echo Bay Midnight Tears
Phal Minho Princess Royal
Blc Copper Queen
DTPS Minho Princess 'flying'
Coel. Mem W Micholitz AM/RHS
a compact Sharry Baby
If I go to an orchid show, I come home with things that are not on this list. I am a sick woman. I'm smiling though. Carol
Just about every blooming orchid I see posted on OB.
Luckily I was raised to understand the difference between WANT and NEED, and I NEED another orchid like I need a hole in my head. Therefore, I am posting my I NEED list instead. Unlike my I WANT list it is very short.
Probably I will add a few more Masdies before winter as well as a couple new Paphs. I have been filling in holes in the tank this summer with few spaces left - Angaecums probably.
Paph. bellatulum
Paph. helenae
Paph. niveum (or any of it's hybrids)
Phal. appendiculatum
Phal. bellina
Actually there are many species Phals I would love to have that are way too numerous to list.