While our Ms. Terri was collecting trophies and ribbons, DH and I were collecting orchids at the very same show. I have pined for certain 'chids in the past. Little did I know all I had to do was bring my sweetheart to the show with me and he would buy them, for himself, but still.

Working in a booth keeps one out of trouble. While waiting for your shift, you wander around and shop! Yikes!

DH brought home 17 new chids. I brought home 8. We are taking a lot of razzing about when are we getting a greenhouse?! DH did take some pictures of the show, and last night was taking some shots of the new orchids. So I will post those soon. I think I need to join a gym. I am really sore from putting up and taking down tables. Fun though. Like a big orchid party all weekend.

While doing the plant hotel, I met a guy that used to live in Maine and says he knew Al from Birdsong Farms. Coffee pot is calling me. Carol