So we went to the Jacksonville Orchid Society Show this morning. Knew what I was looking for! I was so proud of myself for limiting myself to that one plant....
and brought home 11 more plants so it wouldn't get lonely in the truck on the way home.
Sorry, the pictures are not in list order.
Aerides quinquevulnera
Phal. gibbosa
Phal. parishii
Phal. Fantasy Musick
Phal. mariae
Phal. stuartiana 'Larkin Valley'
Hetaeria oblongifolia
Bc. Donald Prince
Paph. Norito Hasegawa (Gift from one of the vendors)
Chiloschista lunifera (Gift from one of the vendors)
Specklinia (Pths) grobyi
Den. farmeri
Scott took about 300 pictures of the exhibits - I'll post a link to those in a little bit.