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Old 03-19-2009, 02:34 PM
MuscleGirl'sHobby MuscleGirl'sHobby is offline
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Default The 'chids are invading!

Seriously, why does it seem like my 'chid multiplication goes in spurts? Anyhow... here's how it breaks down...

I've got several orders either on the way, or in one case, already arrived.
-My "seedling stimulus package" of all 20 arrived yesterday from Oak Hill.
-4 on the way from Cool Phrog Orchids
-Seedlings and a NBS on the way from Larry's Orchids...
-Den. seedlings via ebay on the way.

I decide to buy just a few, and then I can't help myself!

So, to make matters worse (or better ) I took my daughter to her first Orchid Society meeting on Tuesday. We bought 10 raffle tickets (5 for me, 5 for her) for the "plant opportunity table." First one drawn was one of ours, so I picked up Phrag. Mem Dick Clements. 2 tickets later, mine gets drawn again so I send my daughter up and she picks out Brassia Rex 'Christine' (which I already have, but she didn't care). Things go on for a while (there were a LOT of plants) and then my ticket gets drawn again!! I pick pths. restrepioides. Shortly thereafter another of mine gets drawn and I give it to a member who's not won any yet. Then, pretty much everyone who'd gotten a ticket had at least one plant, and another of my tickets is drawn. My daughter races to the table and picks up a Cattleya noid.

I felt weird winning all those plants, although I shouldn't. There have been times when people just have great luck and go home with 4+ plants. Really, half of the tickets were my daughters, so we have 2 plants a piece for a total of 4. It would have been 5, but I gave one away. Still felt a bit guilty. I think I'll be bringing some plants to donate next month! Plus, I need to make some room now!
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Old 03-19-2009, 03:13 PM
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Way cool, Nichole!

When my MIL and I used to go to our meetings together and bought raffle tickets, she always won at least on, usually 2 or 3. She'd send me up for a 2nd winner and usually give away the third ticket...of course, by then, everybody in the room was chanting "fix, fix, fix" LOLOL

I usually won when I sat next to her
I didn't win a darn thing the whole time I was VP and couldn't sit next to her at meetings
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Old 03-19-2009, 03:37 PM
cowboy51278 cowboy51278 is offline
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That happens to me all the time. I've gotten a bit snobby about the orchids that I take home so it's not very often that there is anything on the raffle table that I'm interested in. Which is stupid because I co-chair the raffle, you would think I would pick out stuff I like. But I try to get cheaper stuff so there is more to go around and stuff that is easy for people to grow. So now when I have a winning ticket I usually ask if we have any new members or visitors and give them my winning ticket. It's exciting for them and I don't have to feel guilty about having 3 winning tickets out of the 5 that I purchased.
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Old 03-19-2009, 04:27 PM
Beverly Beverly is offline
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There must be something in the air.
I just recieved an order from Larry's orchids. I'm not that happy with it, They were recently moved from a smaller pot into a larger pot. I have to repot them properly. I hope they survive. I'm still waiting for one more from Larry's, but I'll never bid on his stuff again.
I also received other orders yesterday that I'll post about.
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Old 03-19-2009, 05:14 PM
MuscleGirl'sHobby MuscleGirl'sHobby is offline
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Yes Sue, I think my daughter was my lucky charm. This is the first time I've won anything at a meeting! Although I have been the one gifted when someone is on a winning streak

Snobby is fine Paul! I always look the table over real good before buying tickets. I know which ones I want, and which ones I don't. I was very excited to have my ticket drawn first, because the phrag I picked was one of the bigger plants there

Oh no Beverly! I'm sorry to hear your order from Larry's wasn't good I hope mine are OK. I've always heard decent things about his stuff.

And my Cool Phrog order arrived! I'm so thrilled! The plants are in super condition, you can hardly tell they just came out of a box. I have to say, the culture cards are genius! I absolutely love them and think I'm going to try to make up something similar for a good deal of the 'chids in my collection. It'll be easier to keep track of things that way. I better do it now before the collection gets any bigger!

I also got recently de-flasked dendrobium seedlings in... so I've got my work cut out for me. I took pictures of all my new arrivals and will post in time. Probably will be after the project chat tonight. I have a lot to do between now and then!
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Old 03-19-2009, 06:12 PM
CoolPhrog CoolPhrog is offline
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I'm glad you got everything today! Let me know if you have any questions or problems...remember, you have a 30 day guarantee on those plants - short of pouring acid on them... AND you get a 10% discount on your next order just for being an OB member !!!!

For $1.50 each, I can make those for you and they'll match the ones you got today!
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Old 03-19-2009, 07:48 PM
Sandy4453 Sandy4453 is offline
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I never win orchids! I admit though, I never bought raffle tickets either but still....I want a free orchid! waa-waa-waa, sniffles...

How fun, Nichole. I definitely can feel the excitement with all these newbies making their way to you.

Enjoy, big time!
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Old 03-19-2009, 07:53 PM
Beverly Beverly is offline
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I have to start going to orchid meetings.
Nichole, How old is your daughter, that you bring? I'm
thinking about bringing my daughter.
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Old 03-19-2009, 11:43 PM
MuscleGirl'sHobby MuscleGirl'sHobby is offline
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Thanks Dana... I don't intend to douse my new 'chids with acid, so I think we're good there. They all arrived in great shape, so if that changes as this point, it's my own darn fault!

Sandy, we have a funny thing between hubb and I. Every so often, one of us says "We win the lottery yet." To which the other one replies "No, silly, you have to buy a ticket to win." Our plant opportunity table ticket are $1, so for $10 worth of tickets, I came home with 4 plants. Now that's a sweet deal! The plants are usually donated, so most of the time it's straight fund raising.

Beverly, my daughter is 8 and in the 2nd grade. Sometimes she's interested in orchids, sometimes she's not. Same goes for gardening. This really got her interested. She only went with me because the presentation was on carnivorous plants, and she thinks they're cool. Even though there was only one other kid, she had such a good time that she declared she'd be going with me every month and wants to work at our upcoming show!
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daughter, drawn, orchids, plants, tickets, invading, chids

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