Seriously, why does it seem like my 'chid multiplication goes in spurts? Anyhow... here's how it breaks down...
I've got several orders either on the way, or in one case, already arrived.
-My "seedling stimulus package" of all 20 arrived yesterday from Oak Hill.
-4 on the way from Cool Phrog Orchids
-Seedlings and a NBS on the way from Larry's Orchids...
-Den. seedlings via ebay on the way.
I decide to buy just a few, and then I can't help myself!
So, to make matters worse (or better
) I took my daughter to her first Orchid Society meeting on Tuesday. We bought 10 raffle tickets (5 for me, 5 for her) for the "plant opportunity table." First one drawn was one of ours, so I picked up Phrag. Mem Dick Clements. 2 tickets later, mine gets drawn again so I send my daughter up and she picks out Brassia Rex 'Christine' (which I already have, but she didn't care). Things go on for a while (there were a LOT of plants) and then my ticket gets drawn again!! I pick pths. restrepioides. Shortly thereafter another of mine gets drawn and I give it to a member who's not won any yet. Then, pretty much everyone who'd gotten a ticket had at least one plant, and another of my tickets is drawn. My daughter races to the table and picks up a Cattleya noid.
I felt weird winning all those plants, although I shouldn't. There have been times when people just have great luck and go home with 4+ plants. Really, half of the tickets were my daughters, so we have 2 plants a piece for a total of 4. It would have been 5, but I gave one away.
Still felt a bit guilty. I think I'll be bringing some plants to donate next month!
Plus, I need to make some room now!