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Actually had a pretty good day for the show-- it was chilly but sunny. Best one can really hope for this time of year in Michigan. Tried to get a few pics for everybody. (Some of the pics did not come out as well as I would have liked -- the show was held in a greenhouse and the light reflecting off some of the flowers was more than my lil digital could compensate for.)
Starting with a few of the displays:
Catt & vandas:
This NOID surprised me -- looks like it has Rhyncholaelia digbyana in its lineage. This one and the one following, are the only hybrids I've seen thus far in which the digbyana lip seems to be coming through
REALLY liked these next two
This one is sooooooo cool IMO. Would love to try to cross it to bring the size of the plant down.
Paph & Phrags:
Personally I thought this one should be called "Miss Mantis" -- can you see the 'mantid' face with eyelashes?
Can you believe this 'scrawny' thing earned a first place ribbon?