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Kevin_PR 09-13-2013 10:56 AM

......Your finally inspired to clean out the fridge to make room for winter dormancy. I think I need a bigger fridge LOL

The Orchid Boy 09-18-2013 01:20 AM

... when your 5 year old sister knows more about orchids than most average 50 year old people.

... when every other dream is about orchids.

... when you're always sizing up clear containers for pots.

l1sav 09-18-2013 06:09 AM

When your DH says he is an "orchid widow"...........:biggrin:

thegamejr 09-19-2013 08:36 PM

If you wake up in the middle of the night sayingng orchid names. .
Did that a few times and my gf got a kick out of it ha

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ValorieBoyer 02-04-2014 12:04 PM

...when you make a long, lengthy, and venomous venting facebook post about ebay merchants selling "10 orchid seeds" or "blue phalaenopsis" and you're honestly PISSED about it. :blushing:

Bribri 04-20-2014 09:47 PM

...when you go to buy an orchid and then also end up draining water in all of the 'non-holed ornamental' potted orchids at the local supercenter.

thegamejr 04-20-2014 09:54 PM

Haha, ive done that one quite a bit

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Skycat 04-20-2014 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Bribri (Post 673815)
...when you go to buy an orchid and then also end up draining water in all of the 'non-holed ornamental' potted orchids at the local supercenter.

I do that with mini orchids at Home Depot (the only place I ever see them). They are literally always flooded. Oddly, except for maybe one, I've never seen this happen with regular-sized orchids anywhere.

lotis146 06-05-2014 11:11 PM

2014 members let's bring this thread back to life! Lol.

...when your web browser shows that you've been more active on Orchid Board than any other site...

...when you get a kick out of trying to remember as many of your Orchid names as possible...

...when you become child like at the site of a new Orchid (especially one you've wanted for a while and get as a gift already convinced that no one could buy you Orchid as a gift because you already have so many...)...

...when you won't stop checking ebay <i> just to see </i> what new Orchids the sellers you follow might have, but swear you won't buy anymore...

...when your collection quadruples in a matter of months of your "just becoming" a collector/grower...

...when the highlight of your day is the new growth you just found on one, or several, of your Orchids...

...when you panic that an Orchid plant or bloom shows signs of failing/illness/death...

...when you've gotten so many new Orchids you stop posting pictures and sharing each time you get a new one because it's a little embarrassing, lol...

...when you wonder if Orchid growing could be a formidable new career choice...

I'll think of more, I'm sure of it...

RosieC 06-06-2014 04:14 AM

... when there is no windowledge, mantlepice or table space left in your house because it's all packed with orchids :)

... oh and when your hubby jokes that he daren't stand up because if he does his seat will get filled with orchids :coverlaugh:

katrina 06-06-2014 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by RosieC (Post 684633)

... oh and when your hubby jokes that he daren't stand up because if he does his seat will get filled with orchids :coverlaugh:

Better yet...when you've sold the hubby's seat in order to make room for more orchid shelving. :rofl:

NYCorchidman 06-06-2014 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by RosieC (Post 684633)
... when there is no windowledge, mantlepice or table space left in your house because it's all packed with orchids :)

... oh and when your hubby jokes that he daren't stand up because if he does his seat will get filled with orchids :coverlaugh:

OMG, I'm getting there. :lol:

My dreamhouse would have a large livingroom with glass ceiling, so the entire space can work like a greenhouse. :rofl:

MattWoelfsen 06-06-2014 04:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Or you dream about living in a greenhouse surrounded by orchids....

Attachment 100303

Farnsworth House by Ludwig Meis Van Der Rohe. This house is on the Fox River, near Chicago, Illinois.

lotis146 06-06-2014 08:01 PM

...when you wonder if there's such thing as a "crazy plant lady" instead of "crazy cat lady" and what it takes to qualify...

NYCorchidman 06-06-2014 10:51 PM

Of course there is!

I once saw someone post a picture of a living room with orchids all over carpet, sofa, literally every possible space that no one can get to the living room. Not sure if that was a lady or a dude, but it was pretty crazy! lol

MattWoelfsen 06-07-2014 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by NYCorchidman (Post 684781)
Of course there is!

I once saw someone post a picture of a living room with orchids all over carpet, sofa, literally every possible space that no one can get to the living room. Not sure if that was a lady or a dude, but it was pretty crazy! lol

Can that person be considered a "hoarder"? Or for that matter, can anyone of us? If you were to visit me this past winter, I had orchids on shelves in front of every available window. It doesn't look so bad, now that my plants are in the porch and my deck.

RosieC 06-11-2014 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by NYCorchidman (Post 684781)
Of course there is!

I once saw someone post a picture of a living room with orchids all over carpet, sofa, literally every possible space that no one can get to the living room. Not sure if that was a lady or a dude, but it was pretty crazy! lol

That makes me feel better that I'm not that bad. At least it's only the tables, windowledges and mantlepiece for me ;)

lusenok 09-06-2014 10:00 PM

When your spouse avoids driving past Lowe's because you will ask to stop then make a beeline for a garden center to look at their new orchid on sale.
True story!

astrid 11-25-2014 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Royal (Post 191760)
...you buy drinks based on what container would make the best flask.

I use drinks for pots and for mixing and keeping fertilizer water, and sometimes I buy gatorade and dump it out purely because I only want to pay 89 cents for a 1-qt bottle!

fotofashion 11-26-2014 11:40 AM

You might be an orchid enthusiast
I am switching over to semi-hydro so adequate pots are a necessity. DH loves prunes and I find the container an ideal size for smaller plants. Juice bottles, bleach jugs, milk jugs, anything that will lend itself to my endeavor. I have even prevailed on friends to save their empty jugs for me. The larger size containers are the hard to find ones. Especially those that are sturdier than milk jugs. I wish I could find a source for the smaller Folger coffee jugs.
I have tried recycling places in my area but most of them recycle only metal. Any suggestions?
Beverly A.

Leafmite 11-26-2014 12:55 PM

...if you are suddenly very excited about Black Friday because Andy's is having a sale!

Mandy2705 11-30-2014 05:20 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Saw this on Facebook and it made me laugh Attachment 106145

Leafmite 11-30-2014 07:18 PM

That was really great!

trdyl 11-30-2014 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Mandy2705 (Post 717953)
Saw this on Facebook and it made me laugh Attachment 106145


Wolfchan 11-28-2015 10:40 PM

I'm a year late to this party, but hey...

...If you're planning a vacation and you give the house-sitter detailed information on how to care for the orchids but forget to tell her where the cat food is kept. >.<

PaphLover 11-29-2015 04:23 AM

Oh my goodness, this thread has made me laugh so hard!!


Originally Posted by lotis146 (Post 684755)
...when you wonder if there's such thing as a "crazy plant lady" instead of "crazy cat lady" and what it takes to qualify...

Maybe this?...
When you're painting your kitchen and precariously perched on a rolling cart to get to the space above and wayyyyy back behind the fridge and think, "Oh no! If I fall, crack my head on the stove and perish…

1. How will the orchids survive? I should have taught that strappy paph to dial 911!
2. Wait! It's too soon! I have to write a will for my 'chids. But I don't know anyone I trust enough to bequeath them to.
3. I should have watered, fertilized, and filled the humidifier before getting up here."

---------- Post added at 01:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:19 AM ----------

You might be an orchid enthusiast if…

You're talking sweetly to your chids, telling them how incredible they are and what a good job they're doing growing such beautiful, healthy leaves and gorgeous blooms and look up to find your dog staring, quite unimpressed, with a look of, "What are you yacking to THEM! for?"

You're running out of windowsills and contemplate purchasing a console table for your kitchen solely so you can discreetly install a grow light under its top and BUY MORE ORCHIDS! for the shelf below.

When you think of selling your place, your first thought is, "But it has such great orchid lighting! I couldn't possibly move!"

When you think of selling your place, your second thought is, "Is there a section on MLS that will let me select places with only 'East-facing windows' for my paphs?

When you dream of moving to a tropical paradise just so you can grow orchids that presently you're only able to ogle online.

When you dream of winning the lottery so that you can finally, finally, get that orchid you've always wanted but was out of your price range. Oh, who am I kidding?…all the orchids your heart desires!!!!

When you go to the nursery, which now has a beautiful retail store attached to its greenhouse and you ask the owner if they could just open the door so you can peek in and see all the rows and rows and rows and rows of blooming orchids. And when they do, your heart skips a little. (Ok. Maybe a lot.)

When you tell the same person, who is now looking at you like you're an orchid that might have seriously fallen out of your pot, that if you worked at their greenhouses you'd be tempted to run up and down the rows touching all the plants.

PaphLover 11-29-2015 12:12 PM

Your kind son brings you a free flat screen tv, but you're hesitant to get rid of your 25-yr-old tube tv because your orchids seem to like the 'in-floor heating' aspect (and prime show-off territory) of sitting on the relic.

PaphLover 11-29-2015 12:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
You'd like to branch out into mounting or hanging your orchids, but don't want to damage your ceiling so you look at standing coat racks and think they might be a FANTASTIC solution.

Ditto for those nice rounded floor lamps.

Double ditto for the decorative, wire standing mannequins at HomeSense.

You ogle the fake ficus tree someone has dumped in the elevator vestibule, because you think it might be possible to remove all the plastic leaves and use the trunk for a mounting tree. …Uh, hang on a minute, maybe I should just run down and get that! ;)

You buy decorative containers at the grocery store, toss the lid and use the bowl for a cute orchid pot!

estación seca 11-29-2015 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by fotofashion (Post 717255)
...The larger size containers are the hard to find ones. Especially those that are sturdier than milk jugs. I wish I could find a source for the smaller Folger coffee jugs.
I have tried recycling places in my area but most of them recycle only metal. Any suggestions?
Beverly A.

Smart & Final sells pickles, peppers, etc in 1-gallon / 3.8l plastic and glass jars. I learned to like peperoncini and pepper rings in my salads, and to eat pickles at home.

lcarmer 06-10-2016 11:31 PM

...if you name your orchids, talk to your orchids, and pet their leaves affectionately as you would pet your spouse's hand...you maybe an orchid nut. Great idea for forum topic! Too much fun to read!

Jenascrich 06-11-2016 01:37 PM

This is me..

When you have a hiding spot for new orchids and you can't wait for your spouse/partner to go to work so you can finally repot and and give it a home before he comes home for lunch.

When your boyfriend/spouse asks "is that a new orchid?" And your response is "no, I just moved some around."

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estación seca 06-11-2016 08:12 PM

... if, when you go to family or in-law events out of town, you irritate your family by spending so much time going to nurseries and Lowe's looking for plants.

estación seca 07-02-2016 03:07 PM

... if you're cooking lunch for yourself, you remember you need to feed your Vandas, and you burn your own lunch.

At least the orchids got fed.

Wendy76 01-30-2017 08:52 PM

When you purchase carpet runners to protect your carpet in front of your orchid display because you have to check them SEVERAL times a day!

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3rdMaestro 01-31-2017 02:51 AM

When others show you a picture of a flower and you correctly identify the genus of orchid they are showing you (causing them to stare at you with blank faces)...you might be an orchid nut

---------- Post added at 01:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 AM ----------

When you hear the word cork, you think of bark instead of wine...you might be an orchid nut

Bulbopedilum 04-27-2017 04:41 AM

---The Orchid Cycle---
I have leftover media. Let's get some orchids!
I have leftover orchids. Let's get some media!

Optimist 04-29-2017 10:48 AM

Is that a new orchid? No, I've had that a while.
Is that a new orchid? Oh some lady at work heard I was good with them, and she gave it to me because she could not take care of it.
Is that a new orchid? Imagine this! I found it in the garbage! Obviously I just couldn't allow a perfectly good plant to be thrown away!

---------- Post added at 08:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:45 AM ----------

But then you risk the eyebrow up, Spock style, "I see you have been dumpster-diving again, my dear!"

Bulbopedilum 06-11-2017 08:31 PM

If your dreams consist of finding a hot growing, orange and brown terrestrial masdevallia in a soccer field, naming it Masdevallia Restrepia, collecting the seed and growing some in your house.

Wren 12-08-2017 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Oldguypops (Post 192036)
When you seriously consider getting rid of a cat that has been a member of your family for 14 years because he chewed the leaves on your paph that you had for 14 days:shock:... you just might be...

Noooo. Cats are still more important. They feel, have emotions, etc. orchids are nice...but they are plants after all. Don’t be one of those people who dump a 14 year old cat. What if someone dumped you after caring for you for 14 years!

Bulbopedilum 04-05-2018 06:19 AM

I had a dream few days ago where a mounted bulbo that didnt exist bloomed for me. It had a tag that said "Bulbo. Enchinobium". The flowers clustered on an 8 cm stalk and bloomed all at once. They resembled tiny Bulbo. Lepidum flowers except they're light brown with red stripes. No fragrance. Plant was mounted on a wooden slab, covered with sphagnum moss, bulbs similar to species like Bulbo. Lobbii, pseudobulbs 4 cm height, leaves 20 cm height. Tightly spaced pseudobulbs.

Wait... how am I remembering all this?

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