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Vanda lover 04-11-2011 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Wrebbitrocks (Post 394351)
oh heres one!

i think its dumb whenever im in the shampoo/soap/lotion areas of stores and i see things with the smell "exotic orchid"/"vanilla" or whatnot and they have the WRONG orchid picture printed on the containers. im thinking like "that's a dendrobium, NOT vanilla" or "phalaenopsis DONT smell like this" which they dont lol.

who agrees with me? :D

I do! That really bugs me! Why does an orchid always have to be a white Phal?

FairyInTheFlowers 04-11-2011 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Wrebbitrocks (Post 394351)
oh heres one!

i think its dumb whenever im in the shampoo/soap/lotion areas of stores and i see things with the smell "exotic orchid"/"vanilla" or whatnot and they have the WRONG orchid picture printed on the containers. im thinking like "that's a dendrobium, NOT vanilla" or "phalaenopsis DONT smell like this" which they dont lol.

who agrees with me? :D

OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I do this ALL the time! It drives the living daylights out of me! My mom usually tends to walk away as I rant that the "vanilla orchid" is TOTALLY a Cymbidium, and how it is not that hard to put a picture of a vanilla flower on there!

jrodpad 04-11-2011 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by fishmommy (Post 394323)
When your electric bill is so high the police come knocking.

Hahahahahaaahahhhaa! Honestly officer I'm growing .... Orchids!

I love this one.


RJSquirrel 04-11-2011 10:35 PM

you might be an "old" orchid enthusiast when you worry more about dropping yer plants than yer pants

FairyInTheFlowers 04-11-2011 11:44 PM

You might be an orchid addict when. . .

. . . You are shocked when your friends don't care about orchids!

. . . You say you are saving your money, yet come home with a $20 Cymbidium. (True story! I had to, it WASN'T a NoID!)

. . . Your preferred type of orchid changes quicker and is less predictable than fashion!

. . . You have nice dreams/nightmares of orchid related things.(Also true story. Had a dream there was an orchid show and I missed it by a few minutes because I had to work. I did NOT wake up happy! :D)

. . . You are so delicate and protective with newly opened flowers that you snap like a rabid animal if someone tries to touch it. :rofl:

. . . You wish your older brother would move out so you can turn his bedroom into an indoor greenhouse.

. . . You read every book about orchids that you can get your hands on. TWICE!

. . . You wish your Orchid Society met once a week, not once a month.

. . . Your plants under lights have a stricter bedtime schedule than you do.

. . . You jump up and yell when you see an orchid in the background of a T.V. show. . . and can tell what it is after seeing it for half a second.

. . . Orchid jokes come to you as if it was a second nature. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

. . . And finally . . . you LAUGH at your own orchid jokes! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Call_Me_Bob 04-12-2011 10:36 AM

:rofl: :rofl: cody that was great!!

i dreamed that we got lost before the longwood show, and couldnt go! it was terrible!! haha :rofl: we are so odd!! :D

i used to keep my orchids in a room upstairs that had nice light and was GREAT. then i got my own room ( basement) but i lost my orchid places. so idk if thats a good thing or not...:rofl:

yes, my plants do have a stricter bed time! hahah

Call_Me_Bob 04-12-2011 10:41 AM

you spend more time on OB than anywhere else! :rofl: **raises hand**

you spend money on orchids when you should be saving for a car

you pause tv shows or movies to look at the orchids in the backgroun!

FairyInTheFlowers 04-12-2011 11:52 AM

On Orchid Board more than everything else?!?! It is the first, last, and everyother thing I do in a day!

Call_Me_Bob 04-12-2011 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by TheBlazingAugust (Post 394534)
On Orchid Board more than everything else?!?! It is the first, last, and everyother thing I do in a day!

Same! When in get up, through the day, an before i go to bed!!'

You can call me Bob ;)

"have no fear, help is here!"

FairyInTheFlowers 04-12-2011 01:51 PM

I go into shock when I cannot check OB several times a day!

RosieC 04-13-2011 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by TheBlazingAugust (Post 394534)
On Orchid Board more than everything else?!?! It is the first, last, and everyother thing I do in a day!

Have you seen my post count... what do you think! :rofl:

mujacko2002 09-07-2011 07:32 AM


no, i'm not an orchid addict....i just happen to like orchids that much as in so much that i can't stop thinking about it.

thakshila smith 09-14-2011 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Wrebbitrocks (Post 394351)
oh heres one!

i think its dumb whenever im in the shampoo/soap/lotion areas of stores and i see things with the smell "exotic orchid"/"vanilla" or whatnot and they have the WRONG orchid picture printed on the containers. im thinking like "that's a dendrobium, NOT vanilla" or "phalaenopsis DONT smell like this" which they dont lol.

who agrees with me? :D

This is a nice one. :rofl:

1. Who suddenly get caught with OB web..
2. who get excited when you suddenly happen to see a pic of a orchid on a container box.
3. When you see a big bush of orchids in a garden and creep inside aND beg for a cutting and the owner says ohh today we are not going to seperate the orchid.! :((

4. Take a torch and roam out side peeping at orchids at 10 p.m. to collect snails and slugs while your neighbour laughs and passes comments at you!

give more .

thakshila smith 09-14-2011 12:58 PM

The man who prepares, or reads for a Masters in orchids brings a big bush of a orchid with bloomes and may be an old rare vanda and explains " Ohh thi s ones grows on bark of A TREE in dry zone , loves shade and this is pricy and you can't find this one around your village". to a mouth opened innocent old guy.
Me thinking snatching it and run away.

SarinahL 09-14-2011 06:47 PM

When you keep refreshing the OB page deep into the night because it's when most of the users are active, as you're in a VERY different timezone..

nenella 09-14-2011 07:26 PM

When you tell hubby you are going to order the 'project plant' and a couple TC's and end up buying a dozen plants..from about 4 different growers!

chidlove 09-14-2011 07:57 PM

When one of your dogs is named Kiki :rofl: The funny part is, the Hubby named her :rofl:
Every day, it forces you to think Orchids:rofl:;)
Here she is, at a year old, miss Kiki [long coat Akita]

Connie Star 09-15-2011 02:44 PM

When you buy an iPad so you can check OB just before you go to sleep.
Oh- and when the first thing you photograph with it's camera is an orchid.

SarinahL 09-15-2011 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Connie Star (Post 436553)
When you buy an iPad so you can check OB just before you go to sleep.
Oh- and when the first thing you photograph with it's camera is an orchid.

and take it with you to the bathroom, work, train, car when in a traffic jam...

rogerman 09-22-2011 08:40 AM

When you order 50,000 plant seedlings before you think where the hell you're going to put them

Mira-Claude 05-03-2012 12:28 AM

When your mom comes home sad after as three month trip to Thailand because the custom guy didn't allow her to import the 5 flasks of orchids she hand picked and hold on to for most of her trip as a gift to you.

When said mom is trying to find the rules and regulation for importing orchids from Thailand in prevision for her trip later this year. Because she knows it will make you ecstatic.

When you work the night shift and usually sleep during the day but find yourself unable to on delivery days just in case the knock on the door don't wake you fast enough and the post ends up keeping the plant a whole 24 hours more! After all one day with little sleep is better than that... right?

When you buy your cat his own spider plant that you care for and reserve place for because otherwise he munch on the orchids... And you just love him to much to get rid of him... But at the same time love orchids too much to allow him free reign...

When a neighbor asks you if you can move the pot from your window to a less obvious place.

When you hug orchid nursery owner when you next see them after the chids you bought from him are ding so well!

When a nursery owner knows your name and the name of the girl you order with, your address by heart just by seeing your e-mail address.

When you know at which point which nurseries gives you a freebie and always aim for that amount even if you have to make many consecutive orders.

Call_Me_Bob 05-03-2012 12:40 AM

Bahahahahha the one about you neighbor is so funny!! What did you say?! :rofl:

Mira-Claude 05-03-2012 12:50 AM

Just that they weren't drugs that they were orchids.
The guy just sent me a 'knowing' look, gave me a pat on the shoulder and left.
Another neighbor asked me to sell him some f my stuff and said he would call the cops if I didn't. Never saw a police officer here though... lol!
What kind of neighborhood is this now that I think about it?

Call_Me_Bob 05-03-2012 12:58 AM

Bahahahhaha! Especially that second guy!!!

FairyInTheFlowers 05-03-2012 01:11 AM

Nice ones Orchideya!!! Lol, I went through and read my last one and nearly died laughing!!!!

Paul Mc 05-03-2012 06:50 AM

You might be when the neighbors see the lights from your basement and start asking if they should be calling the police...

When you take photos of your basement grow area and rush to your DEA friend and ask him to spread the word that it's only flowers, please tell everyone you know....


And yes, I did! And his response was, I don't know, looks like there may be some places for you to stash some things down there that I'm just not seeing. LOL...

Yukonphal 05-12-2012 02:01 AM

if you go to the florist to steal pollinia from their flowers...you may be an orchid nut

Amanda L 08-05-2012 06:54 PM

When your lucky bamboo dies at work, but your orchids are thriving! My bestie gave me a gorgeous Phal. Cassandra and I have a repotted keiki. They are both doing great. The lucky bamboo is not so lucky.

RosieC 08-06-2012 08:07 AM


I can't do "Lucky bamboo" either Amanda. The orchids take all my attention and the bamboo just sits there then dies :)

Hedge 08-06-2012 11:19 AM

The one advantage of growing succulents and cacti alongside the orchids is that the former can survive the neglect that results from caring for the latter :rofl:

CTB 10-02-2012 06:39 AM

When vacation plans include car rentals and orchid babysitters!

Stray59 11-29-2012 04:27 AM

you might be an orchid enthusiast if .....
- your partner refers to themselves as an "orchid widow' - :high5::high5::high5:

Desert Orchid 12-21-2012 07:46 AM

You might be an orchid enthusiast if...
your family has to be careful to not bump the orchids that have taken over the bathroom counter while brushing their teeth.

Paul Mc 12-21-2012 09:00 AM

When your wife's email address is orchidwife, lol... Just noticed that a OS members wife's address is this!

The Orchid Boy 04-25-2013 01:43 PM

You might be an orchid enthusiast if...
...you plan your vacation to see (and buy) more orchids.

birdybrain 04-26-2013 10:40 PM

Great thread, super funny! Here's mine from just this week:

You unpack the better gro bag babies boxes at Lowe's because the store employees haven't done it yet

You encourage your husband to buy that new drill he's been wanting for months now because you need something more powerful for drilling glass semi hydro containers

NYCorchidman 04-27-2013 12:02 AM

When you are away on a vacation in some exotic place but can't stop wondering every 20 minutes if your orchidsitter back home is doing a proper job.

When you go shopping for kitchen items and start getting sidetracked checking at things like bamboo skewer to see if they could be useful as moisture level checking tool or a possible spike stake.

When you see a beautiful orchid and buy that as a gift for someone who you know doesn't know how to care for orchids, and that orchid eventually comes back to you for your keeping. lol

When you used to think it is crazy to pay for drinking water but now you find yourself buying bottled water for your orchids but you still drink tap water.

When you convince your partner that you need a water filter system installed for the entire house for better health when in reality you wanted purer water for your orchids.

When you see less and less of your cups and mugs because they end up as decorative container for your miniature orchids, and you go out shopping for some more...for your orchids.

---------- Post added at 11:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 PM ----------


Originally Posted by RenéeS (Post 263706)
I have to move soon and when I am looking at new appartments the first thing I look at is the size of the windows and the light coming thru them.. :blushing:

That's exactly what I did the last time we moved. lol
Large bright windows are not only great for orchids, but they are also great for us, humans I think. I'd be so depressed without them! ;)

---------- Post added 04-27-2013 at 12:02 AM ---------- Previous post was 04-26-2013 at 11:57 PM ----------


Originally Posted by natasha (Post 351150)
when you agree with your husband to go to theme park and brave the rollercoaster so he will bring you to the orchid farm... i am scared of heights!!!

oh yeah, two rollercoaster rides and two water slides later, i bring back 29 new chids :biggrin:

That sounds like a great reward though! :lol:

MrHungx 08-05-2013 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Connie Star (Post 436553)
When you buy an iPad so you can check OB just before you go to sleep.
Oh- and when the first thing you photograph with it's camera is an orchid.

...when you buy a waterproof iPad case so you can bring your iPad into the greenhouse and check Orchid Board while you repot your new plants you just received in the mail.

...when you go on vacation and constantly think of bringing an orchid home.
...when you buy the orchid the day before you leave and are unable to obtain the proper documentation.
...when you ponder ways to sneak it past customs.
...when you almost pee your pants at the airport thinking that customs will find your orchid and will charge you a large fine.
...when you scold yourself after thinking about how much more orchids I could have bought with the money used to pay the fine.
...when you actually make it through customs and start to regret that you didn't buy more orchids.
...when you go home and discover that the cardboard box you used to carry your orchid has been smashed.
...you feel relieved when you open the box and find that the orchid is fine
...when you start planning your next trip so you can bring back more orchids.

So true! I got the Lifeproof case for the iPad.

---------- Post added at 08:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:26 AM ----------


Originally Posted by NYCorchidman (Post 570175)
When you are away on a vacation in some exotic place but can't stop wondering every 20 minutes if your orchidsitter back home is doing a proper job.

When you go shopping for kitchen items and start getting sidetracked checking at things like bamboo skewer to see if they could be useful as moisture level checking tool or a possible spike stake.

When you see a beautiful orchid and buy that as a gift for someone who you know doesn't know how to care for orchids, and that orchid eventually comes back to you for your keeping. lol

When you used to think it is crazy to pay for drinking water but now you find yourself buying bottled water for your orchids but you still drink tap water.

When you convince your partner that you need a water filter system installed for the entire house for better health when in reality you wanted purer water for your orchids.

When you see less and less of your cups and mugs because they end up as decorative container for your miniature orchids, and you go out shopping for some more...for your orchids.

---------- Post added at 11:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 PM ----------

That's exactly what I did the last time we moved. lol
Large bright windows are not only great for orchids, but they are also great for us, humans I think. I'd be so depressed without them! ;)

---------- Post added 04-27-2013 at 12:02 AM ---------- Previous post was 04-26-2013 at 11:57 PM ----------

That sounds like a great reward though! :lol:

When you buy an orchid as a present for a friend/relative, but decide that the orchid will be happier with you.

bethmarie 08-05-2013 12:58 PM

When you are shopping for temp controlled wine refrigerators so your cool winter rest orchids will bloom.

When you have a shelf cleared and a plan to get your kids, dog and orchids into the pantry during a tornado warning.....

nikkik 08-05-2013 01:21 PM

...when your two year old calls any plant they see an orchid.

...when you go to local restaurants asking for their used wine corks.

...when you buy a box of coconuts from a tropical location to mount your orchids and it's so heavy that UPS doesn't even attempt to leave it at your front door!

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