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Connie Star 10-11-2010 11:50 AM

Speaking of heights, you agree to go to Peru with your husband to climb the canopy walkway he built and hang by a rope over the side 100+ feet up to photograph orchids. I haven't done that yet, but I plan to go to Peru with him next year, and I WILL overcome my fear!

Connie Star 10-11-2010 11:51 AM

Oh yeah, and I'm 61 and fat.

RosieC 10-11-2010 12:10 PM

Oh no... just the thought of that sends me into shivers. I might have to draw the line there.

Bird Song Farm 10-11-2010 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Connie Star (Post 351252)
Oh yeah, and I'm 61 and fat.

You go Girl!!!

trdyl 10-11-2010 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Connie Star (Post 351251)
I WILL overcome my fear!

Just remember to trust the harness.... and keep telling yourself "I trust the harness" and you'll do fine.

natasha 10-11-2010 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by trdyl (Post 351280)
Just remember to trust the harness.... and keep telling yourself "I trust the harness" and you'll do fine.

yeah... when i rode my first rollercoaster, which are the scarier one, i kept telling myself what i have gotten myself into... and yeah, i close my eyes :biggrin: i thought of all the safety issues there, and pacify myself thinking someone else may have thought of this... having the belt tighened before help tremendously. second ride is much better as it was lower heights... and yeah, i thought of all wonderful orchids i might buy too!

Hedge 10-12-2010 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by natasha (Post 351370)
yeah... when i rode my first rollercoaster, which are the scarier one, i kept telling myself what i have gotten myself into... and yeah, i close my eyes :biggrin: i thought of all the safety issues there, and pacify myself thinking someone else may have thought of this... having the belt tighened before help tremendously. second ride is much better as it was lower heights... and yeah, i thought of all wonderful orchids i might buy too!

I have only ever ridden a rollercoaster once and I was 22 and my heartbeat took over ten minutes to get back to anything approaching normal - I was on the Blackpool Leisure Beach one, it was 1982, and they didn't have harnesses in those days just a grip bar. We sat in the last coach of the ride and every time we went over the top of the hills, my bottom left the seat. I have never been so scared.....NEVER EVER AGAIN!!

natasha 10-13-2010 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Hedge (Post 351485)
I have only ever ridden a rollercoaster once and I was 22 and my heartbeat took over ten minutes to get back to anything approaching normal - I was on the Blackpool Leisure Beach one, it was 1982, and they didn't have harnesses in those days just a grip bar. We sat in the last coach of the ride and every time we went over the top of the hills, my bottom left the seat. I have never been so scared.....NEVER EVER AGAIN!!

just a grip bar? i would get a heart attack myself. the rollercoaster is not that high, so only the bar and safety belt is provided. the second one only have the bar since it wasn't that high (but hey, i enjoy this ride!). but the pact been made, he got to spend time at the theme park for 6 hours, and i got a trip to the orchid farm. he still owe me another trip to another farm since i already filled the carboot to the brim at the first farm! no use going if i can't shop, no?

Hedge 10-14-2010 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by natasha (Post 351761)
ji got a trip to the orchid farm. he still owe me another trip to another farm since i already filled the carboot to the brim at the first farm! no use going if i can't shop, no?

You go, girl!:rofl:

quiltingwacko 10-14-2010 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Connie Star (Post 351252)
Oh yeah, and I'm 61 and fat.

Geez Connie! You aren't fat. Take a look around the next time you are out in public. Can't wait to hear about your trip! Carol

Connie Star 10-15-2010 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by quiltingwacko (Post 351839)
Geez Connie! You aren't fat. Take a look around the next time you are out in public. Can't wait to hear about your trip! Carol

Well we won't go to Peru together until next summer. My DH builds walkways and just came back from Peru.
We are going to Costa Rica in December, tho, using the frequent flier miles he gets from all his traveling, so I can't complain. :)

quiltingwacko 10-16-2010 12:00 AM

So lets see, you are planning a trip to an exotic place and you start wondering what kind of orchids they have there! You might be an orchid enthusiast! Carol :roll::biggrin:

Connie Star 10-16-2010 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by quiltingwacko (Post 352073)
So lets see, you are planning a trip to an exotic place and you start wondering what kind of orchids they have there! You might be an orchid enthusiast! Carol :roll::biggrin:

And you get a new lens for you camera to photograph them with, and save money by staying in cheaper hotels.

Cyplover 11-23-2010 09:36 PM

if you wake up from a nightmare that was about all your orchids getting thrown away.......you might be an orchid nut

Call_Me_Bob 11-23-2010 10:39 PM

sorry if these quotes are old...


Originally Posted by Becca (Post 191896)
How about this......when you walk into a salon or a business that has fake orchids on display and you feel the need to try and fix the leaves, flowers, and flower stalks into a more natural looking position :rofl:

i do that all the time! fake orchids bug me so bad!!


Originally Posted by Oldguypops (Post 192040)
If you go to a store and see a shriveled and neglected noid, and you have the overwhelming urge to call the store staff together and give a lecture on proper watering techniques....you just migt be...

i have actually talked to the florist at the grocery store! ha i agree


Originally Posted by LauraN (Post 192422)
When you go to one of your favorite growers and they say "I think you already have one of everything!"...



Originally Posted by Connie Star (Post 271278)
When your late for work and you spray your 'chids instead of taking your shower. :yikes:

no, you take our vanda in the shower with you!

Call_Me_Bob 11-23-2010 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Connie Star (Post 279962)
When you agree to buy an orchid at your orchid society meeting before the seller puts the price on it - because after all, it's Christmas time and you owe yourself a present and it's in bud with beautiful magenta buds and your husband will be out when you get it home so you can sneak it in.....



Originally Posted by Wrebbitrocks (Post 341364)
...when you call in to work and say you'll be a little late because i just spent an hour reading this ENTIRE thread!!! ...

...when (mentioned one of my posts earlier) you go to mcds and accidentally order "orchid mcnuggets" and the lady stares at you funny...

...when you call in sick to school because you have a package to recieve when its too hot outside, likewise when theres an auction youw ant to win on ebay :) ...

...when you order more than just ONE orchid just because you cant pass up a great deal on combined shipping :) ...

...when you buy orchids for gifts to people and tell them "give it back when the flowers die" ...

when you ask your friends for "early bday/xmas presents" when theyre with you at the store cuz you found something you really want, then when bday/xmas comes around, you pretend it never happened and ask for another gift...

when you need new shoes because you havent bought yourself any lately due to orchids, and when your mom buys you a pair you return them for cash to buy another orchid...

orchid mcnuggets :rofl::rofl:

"give them back when the flowers due" :rofl::rofl:

return the shoes!!! :waving hahah


Originally Posted by mollycart1 (Post 345598)
No matter how many time you move your orchids around, you exactly know where each plant is.

Then instead of counting 'sheep' when you cannot sleep, you start naming each plant. :rofl:

i do that too!!! isnt it great?


Originally Posted by Cyplover (Post 361810)
if you wake up from a nightmare that was about all your orchids getting thrown away.......you might be an orchid nut

i dream about breaking things and bud blast!

fotofashion 11-24-2010 06:13 PM

You might be an orchid enthusiast
when theres an auction youw ant to win on ebay ...

That's why Esnipe exists. Then you can go elsewhere to buy more orchids and still win on Ebay.
Beverly A.:evil:

Hedge 11-25-2010 04:31 PM

For the ignorant, what is Esnipe, please?

kavanaru 11-25-2010 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Hedge (Post 362204)
For the ignorant, what is Esnipe, please?

eSnipe - Bid on eBay Automatically - eSnipe 3.0 :biggrin:

Hedge 11-25-2010 04:54 PM

Thank you!!

hope you are feeling a lot better too.

Call_Me_Bob 11-25-2010 06:07 PM

i heard about this guy who went to shows and bought cattleyas. he would cut the blooms off and hand them out to the ladies, so the mrs wouldnt notice

Zozzl 11-30-2010 03:38 PM

You might be an orchid enthusiast...
if you find yourself explaining to your exasperated husband why the dishwasher is clogged with orchid media..:rofl:

..note always wash off the orchid pots with the hose before you put them in the dishwasher.

Pat M.

fotofashion 11-30-2010 06:51 PM

You might be an orchid enthusiast
You try to get to the OS meeting early so you can look over the vendor/speaker's plants, talk him into selling you his "sample" plant on the condition you leave it on his table so others can see it. Price? What's that?
Beverly A.

natasha 12-01-2010 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by help (Post 362224)
i heard about this guy who went to shows and bought cattleyas. he would cut the blooms off and hand them out to the ladies, so the mrs wouldnt notice

i've heard this story too! this old guy love orchids so much. he go to the show sans the missus but bring the scissors in his pocket. then he does what maybe the rest of us did, sneak the plant into the greenhouse (for me would be my porch) then when the missus notice when it flowers he tell stories!

volcowitch 12-01-2010 05:56 AM

Hi our english speaking friends!


the official opening of our fully complete English version of the worldwide Orchids Wiki Forum!

Orchids Wiki - English conversation


FairyInTheFlowers 02-24-2011 04:28 PM

You might be an orchid addict when...

...You pee yourself laughing over "you might be an orchid addict when..." jokes

...A $350 order of orchids sound perfectly normal to you when everyone you know thinks you are off your rocker.

...You are already planning on another $350 order before you even receive the first one.

...You read 16 pages of "you might be an orchid addict when..." jokes in one sitting!

...You begin to hyperventilate when you find out there is a VERY small chance of going to an orchid greenhouse.

...You have secret plans to let your orchids take over the house.

...You buy another orchid to soothe the pain of loosing one.

...You would like to determine a house purchase based solely on the amount and direction of windows.

...You check your orchids a thousand times a day and are disappointed every time because there is not five kilometers of new growth.

...Orchid Board is the first thing you check in the morning, followed by your orchids

And finally...

...You revive an ancient post just to put some jokes on!

I have to admit I was laughing constant while reading this stuff!

Call_Me_Bob 02-24-2011 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by TheBlazingAugust (Post 382497)
You might be an orchid addict when...

...You pee yourself laughing over "you might be an orchid addict when..." jokes

...A $350 order of orchids sound perfectly normal to you when everyone you know thinks you are off your rocker.

A- i almost peed myself reading that comment!! ironic huh?

B- psh! off your rocker? by show of hands, who here was EVER ON THEIR ROCKER TO BEGIN WITH??!!

here is another one

... if you take pictures of a bid every 30 minutes

FairyInTheFlowers 02-24-2011 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by help (Post 382500)
... if you take pictures of a bid every 30 minutes

My! Doesn't that one sound familiar! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Call_Me_Bob 02-24-2011 04:56 PM

bahahaha :rofl:

i waited at least 5 minutes between the last two!

FairyInTheFlowers 02-24-2011 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by help (Post 382518)
bahahaha :rofl:

i waited at least 5 minutes between the last two!

A WHOLE FIVE MINUTES! Did you almost pass out from the lack of not taking a picture?

Call_Me_Bob 02-24-2011 05:15 PM

LOL!!! my 3 key is broken on the top numbers. i have to use the numberpad and i forgot. although it does sound funnier when i say 5 minutes not 35!!!!

fishmommy 04-11-2011 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Becca (Post 192039)
Chris, I am with you on this one! Except my cat's aren't chewing on the orchid leaves, they are spraying/marking on them!

Mine will gnaw them down to stubs if she can get at them. Thus the orchid closed was born.

You might be an orchid nut if you're gleefully planning the expansion that requires the (natural - NOT untimely!) death of a (seriously beloved) family pet. Its a sickness!

fishmommy 04-11-2011 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Bird Song Farm (Post 192446)
If there aren't any more glasses in the dish cupboard because you are experimenting with water culture.


:rofl: that's soooo me too

fishmommy 04-11-2011 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Amanda L (Post 192700)
When you go into the reptile store to get your snakes some food and notice a huge tank, to which you say "That would be AWESOME for growing orchids" Your husband promptly rolls his eyes and walks away saying something under his breath.

when you've already got 7 of said tanks and still try to figure out how to cram more in the house.

fishmommy 04-11-2011 04:45 PM

When your amazing husband offers to take you to orchid shops "Because it's fun to see you so excited."

When you start focusing your career just so you can afford a greenhouse when you retire.
When you find mold growing in the house.

These are for the under-lights growers:
When lightbulbs are a line item in your budget.
When you've considered buying a generator just to power your lights during an outage.
When your house is 75 degrees all year without running the furnace - no matter how cold it gets outside.
You worry about your house burning down on a regular basis.
When you don't need any other lighting in your house during the day, even in the basement.
When your electric bill is so high the police come knocking.
When you have to bring used CF lighbulbs for recycling at several different places because you've reached your limit everywhere.

Hedge 04-11-2011 05:59 PM

When you are at your mother-in-law's for the Saturday of Mother's day weekend and your husband says, "Do you want to go to IKEA on the way home and buy that Detolf cabinet to put in the dining room window for your plants? It can be your Mother's Day gift".........

FYI IKEA | Dining storage | Display cabinets | DETOLF | Glass-door cabinet

Vanda lover 04-11-2011 06:20 PM

If you can't see out of your windows, because the vandas are hanging in front of them.

Wrebbitrocks 04-11-2011 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by help (Post 382525)
LOL!!! my 3 key is broken on the top numbers. i have to use the numberpad and i forgot. although it does sound funnier when i say 5 minutes not 35!!!!

my three key is broken TOO ^^ <3

by the way, i just went to lowe's and verbally harrased the garden center lady for not giving me a discount on a "Dying" orchid.....it wasnt REALLY dying, it just didnt have flowers and was a losing on old leaf but i couldn't convince her and it was a nice orchid (phalaenopsis hsin sun beauty :( ) >:/ :) oh well, nice try

Wrebbitrocks 04-11-2011 07:05 PM

oh heres one!

i think its dumb whenever im in the shampoo/soap/lotion areas of stores and i see things with the smell "exotic orchid"/"vanilla" or whatnot and they have the WRONG orchid picture printed on the containers. im thinking like "that's a dendrobium, NOT vanilla" or "phalaenopsis DONT smell like this" which they dont lol.

who agrees with me? :D

Call_Me_Bob 04-11-2011 07:37 PM

same!even though im a guy and dont go looking at lotion, but i do get annoyed my that! sooo not a vanilla flower

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