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lostonthebeach 04-15-2009 08:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by greenbean (Post 214457)

....you save juice bottles, plastic cups, and other clear plastic containers because you think they can be used for orchid containers.


Ha! I think we have all done that. (I know I have)

greenbean 04-15-2009 08:40 PM

I think some of those bottles make rather stylish containers, don't you? :lol:

brush 04-15-2009 08:56 PM

When you can't see your furniture for all the 'chids ...you know you might be .

rogerman 04-15-2009 10:46 PM

Well, i've got 300 pots and 8 flasks in the spare room..... And 200 plant seedlings hanging on one of my balconies.......One day i'll get round to shifting the plants down to the shade house.

greenbean 04-16-2009 02:44 PM

...if you're a teenager who would rather buy orchids than video games.

I'd much rather own a gorgeous or unusual orchid than the latest game consol. I don't even know which one that is! Is it still the Wii, or did something else come out?

Sktchy 04-17-2009 01:32 AM

- If your friends frequently refer to your basement as "the flourescent jungle."

- If you have gone into debt to one of your friends in order to purchase a new 'chid

- when that little voice in the back of your head stops saying "not again" and instead says "Just... one... more..."

- when you are occasionally forced to sleep in your living room because the B. Nodosa in your bedroom smells too strongly (after all, you can't move the plant out, what if you sleep through sunrise? it would miss all that wonderful morning sun!)

- when you have pet frogs as a justification for all your terrariums.

and finally,
- when your parents take on your hobby because they've become so impressed by your 'chids.

greenbean 04-17-2009 04:21 PM

HA! I love that last one Sktchy! That's what I'm trying to do with my parents!

peeweelovesbooks 04-17-2009 07:42 PM

When the people in the nurseries recognize you and ask, "why haven't you visited us lately?"


when the same people remember your past purchases and ask, "did you run out of clay pots yet?"


"how are those seedlings coming along?"

or tell you,

"let me show you this. I know YOU'LL like it" and they are right.


When your colleagues bring other colleagues that you've never met to your office with their sick, overwatered plants and say, "see, I told you she knows what she's talking about."

when you have a

"Please DO NOT TOUCH THE ORCHIDS" sign in your office, because you are tired of the same colleagues touching your blooms. :)

Zozzl 04-17-2009 08:12 PM

...you think people who don't grow orchids are weird and you are pretty sure there is something wrong with them:)

quiltingwacko 04-17-2009 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Zozzl (Post 215154)
...you think people who don't grow orchids are weird and you are pretty sure there is something wrong with them:)

...or you take some blooming orchids somewhere and have trouble talking people into taking them home. You wonder "What is wrong with these people?" Carol

MuscleGirl'sHobby 04-17-2009 08:36 PM

When someone mentions a specific orchid and you go "oh, I have that one!".... "wait a minute, I know I wanted it, but did I buy it?" And you have to go check your collection to find out because you've got so many you can't seem to keep them all straight. :rofl:

ALJ 06-21-2009 12:49 PM

This is the funniest thing I've read in a while. Even as a newbie I found myself nodding to several posts. Let's add a few more.

You might be an orchid enthusiast/nut/head case if...

...all of your internet bookmarks/favorites are orchid growers.

...your best friend threatens to take your computer because of all the sites bookmarked.

...you visit your parents more often because you learned of several orchid growers that popped up in the area.

...your allergist recommends that you get a humidifier to use while you sleep. You sleep with the humidifier in the living room so that you and the orchids benefit.

... your cat's toys are pieces of bark that have fallen from the orchid pots. Who needs a catnip mouse?

quietmorning 06-21-2009 01:05 PM

When new trips to Lowe's are no longer about restoring an old house, but allllll about what new orchids they have.

When you look at a glass lamp shade and think "I can turn it upside down and place it in a stand, and it would be a great orchid pot!"

When you buy pots that aren't 'just right' for ventilation and go through allllll the tools available to 'fix them'.

RosieC 06-21-2009 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by quietmorning (Post 233729)
When you buy pots that aren't 'just right' for ventilation and go through allllll the tools available to 'fix them'.

:rofl: I had that one recently, eventually hubby got out his drill set and made some nice new holes.

quietmorning 06-21-2009 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by RosieC (Post 233735)
:rofl: I had that one recently, eventually hubby got out his drill set and made some nice new holes.

**giggles** orchid's anonymous, here we come!! I can just hear it now, "You can't fix the pot, it has to fix itself." :rofl::rofl:

PS. Hubby just bought a half inch diamond tip drill bit FOR ME - so's we can FIX those pots. . .that need to fix themselves. **evil laugh**

Hedge 06-25-2009 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by quietmorning (Post 233765)
**giggles** orchid's anonymous, here we come!! I can just hear it now, "You can't fix the pot, it has to fix itself." :rofl::rofl:

PS. Hubby just bought a half inch diamond tip drill bit FOR ME - so's we can FIX those pots. . .that need to fix themselves. **evil laugh**

Surely the pot has to want to fix itself!!!:rofl::rofl:

I found that a soldering iron is a quick (if slightly whiffy:faint:) way of making holes in plastic pots or enlarging the existing ones.


RosieC 06-25-2009 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Hedge (Post 234733)
I found that a soldering iron is a quick (if slightly whiffy:faint:) way of making holes in plastic pots or enlarging the existing ones.

Good tip, I like that one. Not sure if hubby would apreciate melted plastic stuck on his soldering iron... but he never uses it, he'll never notice :rofl:

quietmorning 08-08-2009 03:04 PM

If you look at your house trying to find an east facing window and:

Tell your husband you MUST change offices with him - since he has the better windows.

You tell your husband you MUST (since we can't change rooms . . .since I figured out he doesn't actually HAVE an East facing window - but West and South facing windows) KNOCK A HOLE in my office (this is a foot and a half thick brick wall) in order to PUT an EAST facing window SOMEWHERE in the house.

Your said husband looks at you with a very calm face and tells you are 'orchid insane'. . . again.

Silla--glamour 09-09-2009 03:03 AM

hehe, i got bucket of potting medium soaking in your laundry room,and collect glass bottle, leading me to become flask maker and exporter for everyone : ) http://www.orchidboard.com/community...ask-album.html

trdyl 09-09-2009 08:30 AM

..... when you get home from work and your wife tells you that you got a package today and says "it's another orchid isn't it"

If all of your computer passwards are orchid related your might be an orchid nut.

Stefan 09-10-2009 04:20 AM

LOL, awesome thread idea,

...when you start using and understaning orchid species names, and can actually say them right

... when you watch tv shows and look out for orchids in the background

...when you dream about how you can win the next orchid show, or how you can improve your growing area


Nic100 09-10-2009 08:31 AM

Ah... I'm seeing my future!

....when everyone else takes a tea-break and you take an OB-break

Silla--glamour 09-10-2009 08:41 AM

orchids is the symbol widely used nowadays, shirts, curtain cloth, vintage prints. This shows a few facts that human passion towards beautiful flowers, colorful nature never die off and we see more and more orchids nowadays in our daily products and items : )

RosieC 09-10-2009 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Stefan (Post 254372)
... when you watch tv shows and look out for orchids in the background


... when your hubby has been so flooded by your talk of orchids that HE suddenly says while watching TV "Oh you've got me at it now, is that an orchid!"

What is more it was not an easy one to spot, it was a Masdi which was being used to represent a mythical flower and was only shown very briefly from a side angle. It was only later in the program when the whole plant was shown that I was able to confirm he was right.:lol:

RosieC 09-10-2009 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Nic100 (Post 254401)
Ah... I'm seeing my future!

....when everyone else takes a tea-break and you take an OB-break


That's me!

Working late tonight, but I'm on an OB break right now!:lol:

Hedge 09-10-2009 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by RosieC (Post 254487)

That's me!

Working late tonight:lol:

Time you went home!!!

RosieC 09-10-2009 03:45 PM

Yeah, just agreed with Hubby (who is also working late for the same company) that we're going home at 9pm.

We try not to do this too often, but just now it's needed. One of the perils of working for a small company where there are not enough people for all the work.

takeiteasy 09-10-2009 05:37 PM

If your broke all the time.................

}{ead$hot Zod 09-11-2009 05:13 PM

when you start kicking yourself because you remember how you told your parents you wouldn't need Latin 1 & 2 in high school and now you are considering a Rosetta Stone purchase........ you may be orchid obsessed.

Roly0217 09-11-2009 05:37 PM

- when you have next year's orchid shows marked in your calendar and ask for those days off at work with 2 months in advance

- when you plan your order around your next paycheck

- when you dream of building a couple of greenhouses with multiple growing zones based on the orchid's needs.

Yeah that's me.... dreaming and wishing I would win the lotto....LOL

shadytrake 10-07-2009 02:44 PM

When you panic and quickly build a shadehouse in 2 weekends to get your chids out of the direct sun but the kitchen remodel you have been working on is now in YEAR 8! :faint:

You get all excited when the red frowny face on Troy Meyers turns to a green smiley face and you anticipate when the flask will be ready to ship. :mrgreen:

You take a bamboo skewer and pollinate a couple of your chids "just to see what will happen" and you end up planning flasking with Troy and wait while the seed pods cook. :yikes:

You have no problem waiting over 365 days for a seed pod to cook, but constantly tell a bud on a spike "bloom dammit." :tapfoot:

got ants 10-07-2009 09:03 PM

When you start tearing perfectly good plants out of the ground that you just recently planted, and spent prolly a thousand dollars on, just so you can build another pergola to house more orchids you don't yet have.

Speaking of which, I have two coconut palms in the back yard along the fence, which stand about 11 feet from each other in a north/south direction. I just cut down about 15 culms of 2-4" bamboo at 14' lengths. I plan on building the pergola to be in between the palms, and have a little shade from the west sun. The east sun is shaded of as is the noon sun by the palm trees. The top will be 9' long (north to south) and 5' wide (east to west). It will not have any screen on top, just smaller 1" bamboo across the top every 18" or so. Just something to hang chids from. The whole structurewill be about 9-10' high. Pics to follow...

wgama 10-12-2009 12:42 AM

When your wondering if your mom would notice if you left all your clothes in Florida and filled your suitcase with orchids...

peeweelovesbooks 10-12-2009 01:03 PM

When you go shopping for clothes and say to yourself, "I could buy 50 6x7 Air cone pots for the price of these slacks."


wgama 10-12-2009 02:53 PM

OMG i do that do I measure money in either corals or orchids not dollars its kinda sad actually!

Dorothy 10-13-2009 12:57 AM

1 Attachment(s)
... when you begin to save your money not for orchids but for planning to buy your next house pictured below ...

RenéeS 10-13-2009 05:35 AM

I have to move soon and when I am looking at new appartments the first thing I look at is the size of the windows and the light coming thru them.. :blushing:

Hedge 10-13-2009 06:28 AM

I don't see anything wrong in that! When we bought the house I live in now I wanted to be at least 60 feet above sea level (in case the ice caps melt - we are near a major river confluence and some of the land is very flat and below sea level) and near a good school for the kids - but that was before I got into orchids:rofl:

Connie Star 11-13-2009 10:07 PM

When you would rather pay for someone to water your orchids than clean your house. :nod:

quiltingwacko 11-13-2009 11:26 PM

Hmmmm. I would rather pay someone to clean and I'LL water the chids. thank you very much. :) Carol

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