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Old 02-09-2009, 03:56 AM
greenbean greenbean is offline
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Hedge, with the runaway generation of power-walking career obsessed moms who abandon their children to nannies, I admire your family commitment. I am in no way implying that a woman can't have a career AND be a great mom, far from it. But some lose sight of their family in pursuit of money.

I am incredibly lucky. My mom stayed home and volunteered at my school until I was older, then got her Masters and became an elementary school teacher. I'm so proud of her! Both my parents faint at the thought of spending a penny, so I have grown up to be very mindful of my spending. I'm currently a full-time freshman in college and have about half of the full 4 year cost paid for by scholarships. I plan on applying for more scholarships each year and I have been working summers at a local nursery for 3 years. I am hoping to get a paid internship or lab job at school to help pay for the balance of my education. I have no intention of being one of those kids mooching off their parents or spending years paying off student loans.

Despite the fact that I'm fairly well off, I want to stay that way so that my parents can pay off their mortgage (their so close, especially with scholarships covering so much of my education). There are so many things they deserve for raising my brother and I so well, and I want to do everything I can to help. I consider every purchase (even orchids) very carefully, so in my three years of growing orchids, I've amassed a very carefully selected 9 orchids (technically, I have 3 more gift divisions, but I don't count anything until I know it's going to make it). I have an ingrained fear of spending on the chance that it could go overboard, in more than just orchids.

So that's my story, at least those parts of it that pertain to this thread (and a little more).
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Old 02-09-2009, 04:37 AM
kavanaru kavanaru is offline
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Originally Posted by cb977 View Post
Bald is very sexy!
Thanks Sue...

well, as for me, I am lucky
  • working for a very stable industry (the worst the world crisis, the more people need to buy pharmaceuticals - just kidding, I wish non of you would ever need our pharmaceuticals, they are mainly for cancer),
  • in a very stable country (without discussion on how they managed this, as this can sometimes drive to very heavy discussions, Switzerland has a very strong and stable economy: e.g. you not even notice the current economical crisis... as a friend of mine said once, this is like living in DisneyWorld, but much much better)
  • with a very nice position as PM
  • and a very nice salary too,
  • no kids, but a diabetic male cat (behave like a junky for his insulin injections!) and a masochist female Cat (really, she loves being treated rude, and beeing beaten!)
  • and I do not like a life of luxus
and so, I can care for my hobbies without much worries
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Old 02-09-2009, 06:36 AM
rogerman rogerman is offline
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What funds your orchid needs? Male

Me and my wife are both teachers.... My poor wife is on about $500US per month and i'm on a HUGE salary of about $3000US. We have three dogs, rent an apartment own a block of land just down the road (was inherited).
I have built a 200 sq.metre shade house in which I have thousands of Orchids. Weekly we buy no less than 30 Orchids,dog food,our food and pay the bills. On top of all that we can save and have just recently bought two other blocks of land (Paid cash). Both are about one hectare each. One block (the one with a house) is already underway in the building of an even bigger shade house of about 6500 sq. metres.

All this is paid for by selling Orchids,clothes at markets and working hard and not overindulging.
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Old 02-09-2009, 09:28 AM
cday2inflorida cday2inflorida is offline
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What funds your orchid needs? Female

Yikes on the southern Cal mortgages!

I'm single after a very long marriage. I gave up a lot to get out. I raised Arabian horses on a 60 acre horse farm up in the Florida panhandle.
I came back home to south Florida with 2 great danes, 2 siamese cats, my furniture and a truck load of orchids and other tropicals.
I sell industrial supplies from a major player in the industry. Not a glammy job...but, it pays my bills and affords me to dabble in a few obsessive hobbies.
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Old 02-09-2009, 10:40 AM
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Originally Posted by luckygrower View Post
That is correct Susanne,but we would not live anywhere else.
I see that you live in Spring Hill Florida, I don't know where that is located in the state but my wife and I have been to Kissamee, it was very nice but we don't like hurricanes. I know we have earth quakes but not as often as Florida has hurricanes.
The one great thing Florida and SoCal have in common is great weather for growing orchids.

Spring Hill is on the west coast of Florida about 40 miles north of Tampa. Luckily, this area doesn't get hit with the hurricanes that the folks south and east of us do...although this past season there were a few doozies whipping across the whole state. Luckily, none of them hit here

Every region has it's own weather nemesis to deal with...but it's lovely here and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else...except maybe a Caribbean island
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Old 02-09-2009, 10:46 AM
kiki-do kiki-do is offline
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Originally Posted by greenbean View Post
Hedge, with the runaway generation of power-walking career obsessed moms who abandon their children to nannies, I admire your family commitment. I am in no way implying that a woman can't have a career AND be a great mom, far from it. But some lose sight of their family in pursuit of money.

I am incredibly lucky. My mom stayed home and volunteered at my school until I was older, then got her Masters and became an elementary school teacher. I'm so proud of her! Both my parents faint at the thought of spending a penny, so I have grown up to be very mindful of my spending. I'm currently a full-time freshman in college and have about half of the full 4 year cost paid for by scholarships. I plan on applying for more scholarships each year and I have been working summers at a local nursery for 3 years. I am hoping to get a paid internship or lab job at school to help pay for the balance of my education. I have no intention of being one of those kids mooching off their parents or spending years paying off student loans.

Despite the fact that I'm fairly well off, I want to stay that way so that my parents can pay off their mortgage (their so close, especially with scholarships covering so much of my education). There are so many things they deserve for raising my brother and I so well, and I want to do everything I can to help. I consider every purchase (even orchids) very carefully, so in my three years of growing orchids, I've amassed a very carefully selected 9 orchids (technically, I have 3 more gift divisions, but I don't count anything until I know it's going to make it). I have an ingrained fear of spending on the chance that it could go overboard, in more than just orchids.

So that's my story, at least those parts of it that pertain to this thread (and a little more).
Hey Evan, what are you studying? I love the way you know what's important in life and how you go about spending/saving and understanding values. Kudos!
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:15 AM
kiki-do kiki-do is offline
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Well, I do not work now, but did for many years. I quit working when my two sons were fairly young, and I wanted to spend time with them. Then when they went off to college, I decided to attend a local community college also (in my 50's) and was drawn toward teaching. I got an assoc. degree but my college money ran out. I taught title 1 math for a year and realized it wasn't for me. So without funds and direction, I didn't go back for my bachelor's degree, but still may....I just don't know. I became friends with one of my professors and she just happened to grow orchids. Well, I got hooked on their beauty, and hooked bad! My husband was beginning to worry how much this was going to cost and where we would put them all, but he managed not to get too upset. He did have to reel me in some, and thank goodness because it takes all day to care for them. I admit I have too many, but they are my babies. So far, I have managed to split some and sell a few to buy more, but winters are tough on me cause I can't buy any that have to be shipped. And I am at a point where I can't just buy whenever I want cause the available room is narrowing big time. I am also at the point that some orchids do not belong here and will not bloom because I bought them on impulse and not according to the proper conditions they need. I have a very small budget for my "hobbies" and my math is way off when it comes to spending on orchids. My mind takes a holiday, I guess.
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:41 AM
MuscleGirl'sHobby MuscleGirl'sHobby is offline
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Evan, if more 19 year olds were like you, I wouldn't be so worried about the future of this country! You seem to have a good head on your shoulders and an attitude about life I think is scarce in people your age give or take about 5 years. Good for you

Originally Posted by thumperinflorida View Post
I raised Arabian horses on a 60 acre horse farm up in the Florida panhandle.
My Dad raised Arabians! I grew up with a slew of them and spent a lot of time traning the youngins... and tearing around on my very firey mare. My Dad had to sell most of them when ge got a new job and had to move. He still has 4 though.
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Old 02-09-2009, 12:04 PM
Hedge Hedge is offline
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Originally Posted by Paul View Post
Don't worry, Hedge.
Thanks for the vote of support - and yes, being single is very hard - no discounts on entry to anywhere,which family groups get, no reduced rates on buses or trains, all taxes due, no point buying one to get one free at galleries or exhibitions or the cinema....... I think a single person is very discriminated against

Still, no sharing the icecream or chocolate

thanks again

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Old 02-09-2009, 12:47 PM
dabblin-n-orchids dabblin-n-orchids is offline
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What funds your orchid needs?

funding for my orchids
well . . .i'm a full time college student at a school i'm only able to barely afford because of scolarships (love those financial aid ppl) and I have 3 younger siblings at home so my money comes from the sweat of my brow. And for some reason Instead of getting a job I decided volunteering at a greenhouse would be more fun . . .who needs money right . . .. .sooooooo needless to say my orchids are what i can occasionally pick-up on the scratch and dent table AND revive in the wonderfully hospitable environment of a dorm room window sill (without my room mate thinking I'm a loony bin)the project orchid is going to be my first orchid purchase in a LOOOOOOONNNNGGGGGG time. Instead of shoping for orchids I just go to the member galleries and over everyone elses orchids
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