Yesterday was a good day here. My wife and I went to the Atlanta Southeastern Flower Show, and I took some pics of the latest in bloom here at the house. The Paph. (phillippinense x glanduferum) below came from the show - it HAD a third bud on it but the bud was broken off in the car (and yes, I sad a VERY bad word when it happened). Still, it's a spectacular flower! I also picked up an unbloomed Phragmipedium (schlimii x sargentianum) that shows a lot of promise. Everything else has been here for a good while. Anyway, here's everything from the day's photos:
Paph. (deperle 'Pristine' x Muriel Constance 'Rider')
Phal (Fortune Buddha x Brother Pumpkin) (which I shot again to show by the next one)
Phal. (Fortune Buddha x Sara Lee)
Phal. Intermedia (one of three I have, the only one to bloom thus far)
Phal Mini Mark 'Holm'
Phal. Sogo Grape
Paph. (phillippinense x glanduliferum)