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Old 01-04-2009, 07:32 AM
shakkai shakkai is offline
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Default January Status Report

I haven't finished watering everything today, so there will be some updates to this later this afternoon. I should also be able to take some photos and start some new threads to show things in bloom, and I'll link those in later. But here is a summary of what I have going on here now, so far:

Paph. primulinum (labelled as, but probably Paph. Pinocchio) - still in flower from November.

Paph. Shun Fa Golden (malipoense x hangianum) - opening its flower - and has been for the past week. I've tried to be patient and wait until its fully opened out flat, but this one is exciting, so I can't wait any longer!

Paph. Venus Legend - still in flower from last month.

Paph. unknown multifloral hybrid with mottled leaves (I lost the label on this one! ) in spike - two! - and seems to be developing nicely.

Paph. jackii - flower has been opening for a few days now. Not fully opened out yet, but we're getting close!

Paph. appletonianum v. hainanense - in spike.

Paph. appletonianum hybrid (unknown) - still in flower from last month.

Phrag. Plemont - in spike.

Aussie Dens - 4 still in flower, including my favourite! These are lasting longer than I expected them to. Probably due to the colder than normal weather we've been having.

Trudelia cristata - starting to spike. Looks like I may actually get more flowers this year! Yippee!!

Masd. Gremlin - in spike, 1 flower. First time bloom for me, so I'm excited to see what its going to look like!

Lepanthopsis astrophora 'Stalky' - in spike again!

Restrepia cuprea - 5 new growths starting. They must really appreciate the lower temps we've been having.

Masd. lilacina - 4 new growths. Ditto!

Masd. coccinea - 2 new growths. I have yet to get this one to bloom, so I am ever hopeful!!

Masd. pachyura - 4 new growths, plus tons of gorgeous new roots. This one is a relatively new addition, just got last September, so I am really happy that it is liking its new home.


Anacheilium Octopussy - buds about to open

Den. tetragonum - spiking. Looks like I won't have as many flowers as last year, but there were tons last year!

Pleuro. costaricensis - starting another spike. Second time it will be in bloom since I got it back in October.

Pleuro. truncata - starting to spike. First bloom for me. Another one I got back in October.

Dracula cordobae - still has 19 spikes. Down from the 23+ that it had a month or two ago, but the week that I was away during the Christmas holidays it dried out too much and some of the spikes died off. There seem to be more coming to replace them though, so that's good news. Now, if I can keep the swelling buds from aborting, I'll be happy!

I'll update with more links as things start to open!

Last edited by shakkai; 01-04-2009 at 03:36 PM.. Reason: Added updates, and link to threads
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Old 01-04-2009, 09:22 AM
kiki-do kiki-do is offline
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Very nice list Shakkai! I am currently trying hard to get my 2 masdies and my Restrepia to perform. I hope you post pics of them for me when you do! Impressive list you have!
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Old 01-04-2009, 10:35 AM
Grandma M Grandma M is offline
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That is a great list. I wish I could grow Masd. I have tried 3 and all 3 died. Three times and out. They look so interesting.

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Old 01-04-2009, 11:27 AM
clare wiseman clare wiseman is offline
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Greetings and admiration from Exeter Devon.
I'm just a beginner, and have just a few phalinopsis and cymbiums with few young seedling Odontoglosums and a baby Miltonopsis. Waiting for them to grow is a labour of love. What do you do for your orchids in these dark, dull days. No sunlight for days, makes me worry for the ones that would like some light. How long have you been growing orchids. Intend to make or find space to grow more.
regards from your 'nieghbour'.
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Old 01-04-2009, 12:38 PM
Ross Ross is offline
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I'll post my list later as I'm still sorting things out. Lots of new growths and lots of new spikes as well as a couple failures
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Old 01-04-2009, 12:45 PM
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Cool Shannen! Lots of neat stuff happening at your place!

I have my list written out, now I just have to do the typing

Sometime in the next few days
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Old 01-04-2009, 02:20 PM
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It's nice and quiet here...perfect time to do this list
I am not listing everything that has new growths or roots, just what's in bloom, spike, sheath or bud.

Onc Aloha Iwanaga - bloom
Colm Wildcatt 'Rainbow' - bloom
Intermediate Mystery plant - 2 spikes in bud
Iwan Apple Blossom - sheath
Holc flavescens - spikes
C Penny Kuroda - sheath
Catt-type mystery plant from Duncan - sheath
Phal cornu-cervi - bloom 2 spikes
Cleis williamsonii - bloom
Sarcoglottis sceptrodes - bud
Phal pulchra - spike
Phal Fajen's Fireworks - 2 spikes
NOID Vanda - spike
Phal violacea 'Tequila Sunset' x self - spike
Phal violacea x (violacea x Be Tris) - spike
Phal equestris 'Three Times a Lady x Blue Too) - bloom
Phal bellina - spike
Phal stuartiana - 3 spikes
Phal nobby's Amy - spike
Vanilla pompona - 4 buds
Stlma Kelly 'Lea' - bloom
Lcr Winter Fantasy - sheath
Den Nopporn Pink - bloom
Cym Sylvia Miller - 2 spikes
Mystery Cym (named but in a pot of misc Cyms, won't know till it blooms) - spike
NOID Cym - spike
Blc Yellow Bird - bloom
Phal equestris 'Orange' - 2 spikes
Smbc Jewel Osment - sheath
Rhynchorides Memoria Suranaree - bloom
C aurantiaca - bud
C Celia - sheath
C Caribbean Bowl 'Orange' - sheath
Den Angel Pink - bloom
E cochleata 'John' - bloom
E cochleata - sheath
Den Coleman x Den Genting Green - bloom
Brs Rex - bloom
Phal Fortune Buddah -2 spikes
Den Zengyo Pink - bloom
Phal Maraldee 'Brother' - 2 spikes
NOID Phal - 5 spikes
Tblm kotoense - just dropping it's last blooms, 1 spike "stuck"
Blc Daffodil - bloom
Blc Husky Boy ;Romeo' - bloom
Pot Kozu's Scarlett - bloom
C Chocolate Drop 'NOK' - bloom
Hwra lava Burst spike
Lc reginae x Lc Gaskell-pumila - sheath
V Chao Praya Sapphire x Ascda Bangkhuntian Gold
Phaius tankervillae - 6 spikes
Masd triangularis x princeps - spike

and I think the mystery plant that Laura got for me is in spike but I'm not sure
Waiting for confirmation from Laura

**Just found 2 sheaths on my Slc Hsin Buu Lady 'Y.T.'

Last edited by cb977; 01-04-2009 at 05:07 PM..
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Old 01-04-2009, 02:41 PM
shakkai shakkai is offline
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Goodness, Sue! That's one heck of a long list! I'm tired just from reading it let alone taking care of all of those!! I bet its fabulous being able to fill the entire year with blooms! If only I could grow my cool growers there, I'd be in line to move in!

Clare, Hello 'neighbor'!! I've only been rebuilding my collection since 2006 when we got back from India. Nearly all of the plants that I grow don't require high light - so Catts, etc. All of my plants are grown on or near a window without additional lighting. The couple Dens that I have that do like high light can take cooler temps so they are out on my unheated side porch which is wall to wall windows facing south-west. They get enough light out there to bloom for me. I have quite a few young seedlings as well, but in going to some of the shows, I've been able to pick up enough flowering size plants to tide me over until the seedlings grow up. Some of my seedlings are probably 5 years (or more) away from flowering, so I needed something to satisfy my craving in the meantime.

Marilyn & Kiki, thanks very much! When I lived in the US, there was no way I could grow Masdies. I always admired them, but I just didn't have the conditions that they needed. After moving here, the climate makes them perfect windowsill plants, and I took advantage of that!!! I don't do anything very special for them. I make sure they are watered with rainwater, barely fertilized and the windowsill location takes care of the rest - moderate indirect light, cool temps, constant air circulation. Judging by their reaction to the very cold weather we've been having here recently, they could probably be grown even cooler than what they are.
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Old 01-04-2009, 03:44 PM
Ross Ross is offline
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Originally Posted by shakkai View Post
I make sure they are watered with rainwater, barely fertilized and the windowsill location takes care of the rest - moderate indirect light, cool temps, constant air circulation. Judging by their reaction to the very cold weather we've been having here recently, they could probably be grown even cooler than what they are.
Shannon, what medium do you use for your Masdies? I have a couple that I received in sphagnum that constantly pleate the new shoots which then yellow and die. I have several I got from Ivan in Hawaii that are in a bark-based mix that don't do this. Temps are not a problem for me either (60ish F). But I have been using my standard MSU mix and I suspect I am blasting the new shoots with too much nutrients. Does that make sense? I have one that is totally potbound, in sphagnum, that I fertilize regularly and it hasn't so far pleated or bolted any growths. I suspect that may be the fact it is pot bound and sucking up all the nutrients it can get.
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Old 01-05-2009, 02:57 AM
kavanaru kavanaru is offline
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Originally Posted by Ross View Post
Shannon, what medium do you use for your Masdies? I have a couple that I received in sphagnum that constantly pleate the new shoots which then yellow and die. I have several I got from Ivan in Hawaii that are in a bark-based mix that don't do this. Temps are not a problem for me either (60ish F). But I have been using my standard MSU mix and I suspect I am blasting the new shoots with too much nutrients. Does that make sense? I have one that is totally potbound, in sphagnum, that I fertilize regularly and it hasn't so far pleated or bolted any growths. I suspect that may be the fact it is pot bound and sucking up all the nutrients it can get.
Ross, after several failures with Masdevallias, I had a long conversation with an orchid grower from Germany who has a very large collection of Masdies. He grows most of his plants in pure sphagnum and said that the main trick is to provide them with almost no fertilizer... he water with RO and fertilize only once a month with less than 120 ppm N. He also commented that most plants are very sensitive to high light (it should not be more than for phalaenopsis), to which they react with yellowing of their leave (sometimes also some spots similars to those from fungi infections!) and consequent loss. Also important is that the sphagnum must be moist all the time, but nor dripping wet!

I applied his recommendation to my (currently) ONLY Masdevallia strobellii and it seems to work. I have this plant since May 2008, survived the hot summer here, and is now in buds (My previous Masdevallia Amazona, died within one month!)
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