I haven't finished watering everything today, so there will be some updates to this later this afternoon. I should also be able to take some photos and start some new threads to show things in bloom, and I'll link those in later. But here is a summary of what I have going on here now, so far:
Paph. primulinum (labelled as, but probably Paph. Pinocchio) - still in flower from November.
Paph. Shun Fa Golden (malipoense x hangianum) - opening its flower - and has been for the past week. I've tried to be patient and wait until its fully opened out flat, but this one is exciting, so I can't wait any longer!
Paph. Venus Legend - still in flower from last month.
Paph. unknown multifloral hybrid with mottled leaves (I lost the label on this one!

) in spike - two! - and seems to be developing nicely.
Paph. jackii - flower has been opening for a few days now. Not fully opened out yet, but we're getting close!
Paph. appletonianum v. hainanense - in spike.
Paph. appletonianum hybrid (unknown) - still in flower from last month.
Phrag. Plemont - in spike.
Aussie Dens - 4 still in flower, including my favourite! These are lasting longer than I expected them to. Probably due to the colder than normal weather we've been having.
Trudelia cristata - starting to spike. Looks like I may actually get more flowers this year! Yippee!!
Masd. Gremlin - in spike, 1 flower. First time bloom for me, so I'm excited to see what its going to look like!
Lepanthopsis astrophora 'Stalky' - in spike again!
Restrepia cuprea - 5 new growths starting. They must really appreciate the lower temps we've been having.
Masd. lilacina - 4 new growths. Ditto!
Masd. coccinea - 2 new growths. I have yet to get this one to bloom, so I am ever hopeful!!
Masd. pachyura - 4 new growths, plus tons of gorgeous new roots. This one is a relatively new addition, just got last September, so I am really happy that it is liking its new home.
Anacheilium Octopussy - buds about to open
Den. tetragonum - spiking. Looks like I won't have as many flowers as last year, but there were tons last year!
Pleuro. costaricensis - starting another spike. Second time it will be in bloom since I got it back in October.
Pleuro. truncata - starting to spike. First bloom for me. Another one I got back in October.
Dracula cordobae - still has 19 spikes. Down from the 23+ that it had a month or two ago, but the week that I was away during the Christmas holidays it dried out too much and some of the spikes died off. There seem to be more coming to replace them though, so that's good news. Now, if I can keep the swelling buds from aborting, I'll be happy!
I'll update with more links as things start to open!