Yes indeed... busier then ever. Trip was unbelievable, when I get around to it, I'll post more pictures..for now, here's a couple...Been so busy, even my family hasn't seen them yet
Pic that just had to be done, while there... Me and my wife
Another must have pic when in Sydney... Trying hard to fit in the frame
I must have about 200 koala pictures, here's one where he actually moved
Just so we're not completely off topic, here's a pic of a
Bulb lepidum. I'll post more orchid pix soon. This was in Singapore on Santhosa island in an orchid garden. It used to be an orchid farm while back, but got converted into gardens with tens of thousands of orchids.
that's it for now
Originally Posted by Oscarman
Hey Marty - how was the vacation? Probably you are working harder now that you are back than before you left so that you can catch up on what went down while you away.
Lookng forward to hearing about it and you must have some fantastic pics!