Yesterday a few of us got together and went down to Louis Del Favero's place in Tampa. Dana (CoolPhrog, formerly irphrog), Laura (LauraN), Linda (catlady) and myself dragged Dana's and my husband along for the ride and came home with LOADS of new chids!
I got:
Pluerothallis brighamii
Gastrochilus dasypogon (in bloom)
Blc Husky Boy 'Romeo' HCC/AOS (a really cute yellow in bud)
Masd Keiki Komodo (in bloom)
Phal cornu-cervi (in bloom)
Pot Kozo's Scarlett 'Vi-Emi' (in bud)...this one is a gorgeous red Catt with a wonderful fragrance (Linda took one in bloom at the moment and
I'll post pictures a little later
I also got Ccs senilis and Tolu Memoria Ralph Nagi from Dana...which makes me the first person to have orchids from Dana's new business, CoolPhrog Orchids!
Had a great weekend with Dana and her husband Scott staying here for the weekend and then spending the day together with Laura and Linda makes for a very happy ME!