Perhaps I'm blind and just not clicking in the right places, but is there somewhere that shows how large you can expect a plant to get? That's my first criteria when selecting orchids. I'm pretty much out of room unless I get very creative. It would be invaluable information for me to have. Height, leaf span, spread, height of inflorescence info would be awesome. Thanks!
I'm not sure that it is available for hybrids (maybe somebody else knows about that?) but you can get that info for almost any species.
Bring up the species you are looking for, click on the "Species" button and near the top you will see a series of tabs giving such information as Origin/Habitat, Flowers, Inflorescense, Leaves, Pseudobulbs, Plant Size.
There is no source of "official" information for plant sizes other than for species (where plant size is part of the official description). In a hybrid grex each seedling is a different seed and the sizes of each seedling are different. In the case of two parents of widely different sizes the seedlings can span the whole parent range.
Specific cultivars are only recorded by the awarding organization,e.g.,AOS. Flower quality awards do not record the size of the plant, just the flowers. There is no way for judges to know or account for the maturity of a plant or how its cultivation might be effecting its size as judged.
You are dependent on growers, vendors, and other hobbyists for plant size information. All of those can be helpful, but are also often unreliable. In short there is no where for OrchidWiz to get such information.