Hi everyone! Just wanted to post a quick 'Hello!' and let everyone know where I've been (in case you've missed me!!

While work (amongst other things) has been quite hectic the past few weeks, it looks like things are going to settle down now, as the development cycle is very close to its end and we are about ready to release the new version. That should mean that things get back to 'normal' (whatever that is!) between now and Christmas.
This past week, I took a much needed break and went away with my husband for a quiet few days together. This was in conjunction with the British Orchid Congress meeting down in Devon. My first meeting as a trainee judge! Loads of things to learn, but my first time as steward at a major event went pretty smoothly and my team were all happy, so I'll count that as a success.
This weekend coming, I will have some time to process my photos - and of course share some with everyone here. Both from the Congress as well as some Paphs I've finally got to flower for me here and some new Pleurothallids I've added.
Its good to be back!!