Paul, I felt your frustration when I was reading your post. You have my empathy. It's a shame that one measurement can cause all this extra work and delay the progress.
I think you're positively doing the right thing by re-doing that wall. You want your greenhouse to be something you can be proud of.
Ah, the sacrifices we make for our orchids!!! I hope they reward you by always being healthy and blooming gloriously!!!
Exactly!! I know it's a PITA now, but it's also a windfall of additional square footage at the same time! See! I'm a glass is half full or is that empty... (depends on if I'm drinking wine I guess) sort of gal.
Its fixed. I dug out the wall. Removed the posts and moved everything over 2 feet. Im pooped!
OK, I'll quote you on this 10 years from now (if I remember ) Pooped is good. Moved is good. Happy with the progress is good. Anything that's bad? Doesn't sound like it (Well, maybe the "pooped" part )
Way to go Paul. I'd probably be the one with the g/h that looks like a giant mushroom. You definitely did the right thing. I'm excited for you (and a little jealous). Can't wait for the pics.