Nah! you can post them here!
Also, I lied... here are some more pictures of the front gaden. The back garden I've been neglecting, as Beckham was tending to rip it to shreds

Luckily, he didn't find my orchids before he went back to the breeder.
Ok, so... Flower I can't identify. This one, was in a box of plants my uncle left on my doorstep one day when I was out. He was cleaning up he garden and separated out some plants for me. The rest of the plants he gave me are budding now... I still don't know what they are for sure
-Next is one of my many hostas. People keep giving me hostas, and I LOVE IT.
-Then my pansy/lily bed
-My Monte Negros again. They get a littler darker as they age

-And finally some orange lilies that I bought at the supermarket last year. Note... they are not orange this year. Not that I'm complaining.... I didn't think they'd survived our crazy winter!