Hi Folks,
Well, I didn't take pictures. Gary took videos but I will take some pictures of all the orchids that I brought back with us. I have just repotted most all the orchids. I still have a few to go.
We loaded as many orchids that our truck could hold. There were 5 other people there with trailers, trucks, and vans. It did not make a dent in the number in orchids that were left.
Saturday, we left at 4:00 pm as they were locking the doors. The state is just going to let all the orchids die because no one wants to come and get the orchids. The greenhouse is bigger than a football field and loaded with over grown, big beautiful orchids. It is such a shame to see the orchids die with the next cold front.
I got around 200 plants and payed about 1.75 a plant. Oh well, we enjoyed the area and the weekend was great.
Just thought I'd let you know how it went. I will try and post a picture soon.
Lisa Holmes