I'll start this month. It's very colorful on my grow rack.
In Bloom:
Epi. Pacific Girl x Pacific Embers - Looks like it’s starting a new bract. Sending up a new growth too.
Den. Frosty Dawn –11 flowers open. Still look brand new!
P. NOID White Magenta Lip – Dropped all but one flower. I think it needs repotting.
P. NOID Birthday White – 13 flowers open. Still going strong.
Paph. lemianum Second bud dropped third opened, fourth on the way.
Den. NOID nobile – 3 flowers on their way out
Pot. Hawaiian Prominence ‘Carmela’ – Just about finished, still looks pretty good though.
Dtps. Malibu Merlot – 8 flowers open, 2 to go. It’s phenomenal
Milt. NOID – 2 beautiful red flowers with white waterfall. First rebloom for me. Starting to fade.
Paph. sukhakulii – Purchased in early April in bloom. Looks exactly like it did the day I bought it. Amazing!
Phal. Brother Sara Gold – Purchased early April in bloom. It’s continuing to develop new buds and bloom
Tolu. Genting ‘Volcano’ – Purchased early April in bloom. Repotted in 2” net pot with charcoal for medium 6/08.
Phal. equestris - growing 2 Keikis. New spike is setting buds. Old spike has one new flower open next to the new Keiki.
Den. Paskal Kuning ‘Hawaii’ – 6 nice green/yellow flowers with red lips and streaking.
Paph. Magic Lantern – First bud opened nicely. Color is a bit light, but form is good. Second bud blasted.
Phrag. Jason Fisher – Beautiful deep red color. Form needs improvement.
Den. atroviolaceum – Purchase 5/08 from H&R. Has 2 flowers. Is sending up 4 new growths of various sizes. One newly matured has a spike started.
In Spike:
P. bellina – growing 2 new spikes. Existing spike is making a move to bud I think
C. Chocolate Drop ‘Volcano Queen’ - new growth has a sheath!
Dtps. Kenneth Schubert ‘Purple Martin’ – Tiny new spike peeking out
Aerangis luteo-alba rhodostica growing another new leaf & new roots. Repotted into a slat basket with coco 4/6/08. New spike started 6/1.
Here are a couple of recent bloomers: