A couple of our members at the Genesee Region Orchid Society are AOS Judges. They go up to Toronto the first Saturday of every month to take part in judging at the Toronto Botanical Garden. This past Sunday I was invited to ride along as a learning experience. They thought it would be a good 'next step' into the orchid universe. So this coming Saturday I get to ride up with Jeane Keading, stop and pick up Claudio Rossi (Clouds Orchids) along the way. And spend the day looking at orchids in Toronto. Let me just say.... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!
!!! Sure! I'll meet you at the TBG.... This weekend is also Woofstock in Toronto, and I want to try find a special little something for my little boy ... so I have to now organize myself... so much to do! Not enough me!