As more and more of my 30ish (yes I know small..but I'm a windowsill grower and not limited to orchids either) start budding up, the desire to acquire becomes a burning need.
Then my fickleness arises and do I really need more of the mostly same orchids I already have? yes, habit may differ, leaves may be different, flower color may differ. So this is probably the only thing saving me from being evicted from my windowsills.
I do think maybe a dendrochilium wenzelii might have to grace the windowsills this winter. And (sigh) maybe a paph hybrid of some sort (not really sure what I want)..but the windowsills don't have room for much more

So maybe common sense also precludes a buying spree, as does lack of funds *lol*.
I have many oncs, 7 or 8 paphs, one phal (yes one snuck in, somehow), many dendrobiums, a zygo. My climate preference is intermediate tolerant orchids (or tolerant cool growers).
Do seeing spikes make you want to order more?