Hello all I went to POE 70 today, my first Orchid Show!! and had a blast, all the displays were amazing and I had a great time checking out and sniffing all the flowers. Anyways here's the haul!
Top Row : Pots and media from
Flori Culture
Middle Row : Elaphoglossum peltatum from
Golden Gate Orchids , Anthurium crystallinum from
Ecuagenera , Maxillaria variabilis 'Gold Country' from
Gold Country Orchids , and Cattleya walkeriana 'Dayane Wenzel' HCC/AOS x C. walkeriana 'SVO Whopper' AM/AOS from
Sunset Valley Orchids .
Bottom Row : Coelogyne incrassata from
Flori Culture , Marni Pot from
Marni Turkel (She sells these on Ebay I belive), Zygopetalum triste from
New Earth Orchids , and Trisetella didyma from
Ecuagenera .
was supposed to have another orchid, a Masdevallia exquisita however they didn't ship that one which is a real bummer because that was the orchid I was looking forward to the most, oh well I just have a refund instead.