My favorite tree species, Acer floridanum, the Florida sugar maple. This tree species is closely related and to some taxonomists synonymous to Acer saccharum, the northern sugar maple. This one is destined for bonsai glory in 20-30 years and I gave it the chop and put it in for 60 days at around 34F and it is now leafing out a month after being in the refrigerator for 1440 chill hours!
These two are next in line for the fridge. Just not enough chill here in Port Charlotte and we have had a mild winter though January had a rare two days with highs in the mid 40s back to back.
This little oak was languishing and slowly dying here in SW Florida so I popped it in the fridge for 30 days and here it is leafed out and healy now after a month of just sitting outside after the chill hours.