Originally Posted by HiOrcDen
Regarding the Ghost Orchid, D Lindenii, would it not be possible to create ideal conditions in a vivarium? I know that with reptiles and other exotics we are able to control every relevant detail, whether temperature or humidity range, heat and light source, even allow good airflow with humidity retained with frequent misters. All kinds of tricks haha. Would this not be possible with such a ‘finicky’ Orchid?
Possible... not easy and no guarantee of success. There are so many factors that can affect whether an orchid like this makes it or not. Think of them all??? And also note that it grows slooowwwwly. And blooms occasionally, most of the time is just a few scraggly roots. Hardly a good place to start in your orchid growing career...
And there are so many orchids that are EASY in your (our) climate. For me, a big attraction about orchids is that there is a a lifetime of learning that they inspire. The species come from every elevation from sea level to above treeline, from every continent except Antarctica, from latitudes from Tierra del Fuego (I saw one there!) to Newfoundland (the state flower of Minnesota is an orchid, Cypripedium reginae, a "lady slipper" ...) and everything in between. Obviously they don't all grow under the same conditions. I have found that there are lots of orchids from around the equator, from elevations from about 1200 mm to 2300 m, that do fine outside for me.