Originally Posted by Grautier
Now, this is lovely!
I've done many paper orchids myself, cutting, painting and assembling them, even, many many years ago converting eggshells into an easter orchid mobile with different orchids, the big body of the egg being the lip. The next step, naturally, was creating new, fantasy, orchids, with my preferred combinations of colours, form and 'genus'. I wouldn't call it origami, as this here is not done from knitting one sheet of paper.
Raising awareness is always good. Making money with it can be troublesome if it comes together with some kind of copyrights.
Best is inspiring own fantasy and growing creativity by doing, changing, modelling ...
I'd love to see some pics of those!
I've been too busy to try any of them yet. No, looking realistic is not the point. I made this mini greenhouse kit and it doesn't look realistic. It was countless hours of super frustrating, stressful satisfaction