orchid pronounciation
so this is about orchid pronounciation and what I have heard on youtube I didn't like.
I am sure I am wrong about this but I hate some of the pronouniations I have heard.
Like aluminum should be pronounced aluminium.
a potatoe is a potatoe not a potato
Algae is algee not al-jee.
But this continues into the orchid world like the phalaenopsis Tetraspis for example. I have heard people pronounce it like Tetrass-pis pronouncing it similar to how a tresspasser would be pronounced whereas I much more like to think of it as a Tetra-spiss.
The same with lots of Cattleya names. The worst offender I hate hearing is a Jenmaniayayayayayaiaia
I pronounce it Jen -manny
no ai ai ai at the end.
It's probably the same with some many others, a forbesii should be a forbesy not a forbesiay
The same can be said about the dendrobium bigibbum. When I first heard I I thought it was pronounced biggi-bum but it is pronounced like a bi-colour
it is a bi-gibbum
I'm probably wrong about the pronounciation of the cattleya's and they are prounced like someone just stepped on your toes ay ay ay but I don't like it lol.
how would people pronounce the laelia lundii?
Would you pronounce it laelia lundiay?
Last edited by Shadeflower; 01-04-2022 at 07:48 PM..