so yeah sorry in advance if this is boring but I said to myself even though I have several orchids producing flower spikes at the moment I haven't noted anything new in my diary in a while so I went hunting for something new in the garden and I got lucky.
This was one of those beginner joy moments when you discover your first flower spike. In ways I am still a beginner especially for a lot of my orchids as lots have never flowered before like this one. So when that magical moment arrives it is a bit of a eureka moment, then it fades and you need to buy yet another orchid to get the same satisfaction again but that's another story lol.
In the distance I saw lurking something poking out of the greenery. Yes it was a trapped little thing and good I went out hunting tonight. The spike had been entangled by a hugging leaf and couldn't break free by itself so out came my machete, gave it a nudge and the flower spike was free.
I discovered some black beetle along the way I tried to squash but that got away this time unfortunately.
So here we have my odontoglossum leroyanum (Odontoglossum crispum x Odontoglossum luteopurpureum) bought from petrens in Belgium 2 years ago flowering for the first time sometime January, possibly February next year?