Originally Posted by isurus79
Wow, you might want to reconsider who has been spewing wrong information on this site. You've got quite the hit list just this week alone...
This site
should be about helping other people.
Actually this site is just about bragging about one's perceived skills.
But Stephen, go on, prove what I got wrong a couple of weeks ago. Go on. I am genuinely curious as an experienced grower to hear what I got wrong. Enlighten me. If I get something wrong then I generally put my hand up. And we all make mistakes. Even scientists. And the bottom line is that we are constantly trying to figure out how plants grow and still have a long way to go. If anyone thinks they know all there is to know about plants they clearly haven't been growing long enough.
Originally Posted by Ray
Shadeflower should have been a politician - neither facts nor context matter.
I am actually a politician... I know why you say this though because you don't understand much of how the world works so you seem to think politicians don't use facts. Of course we use facts.
That is why I have a problem with you. Your facts are all over the place. And then you start insulting others instead of awknowledging you could possibly be wrong. You admit all the time in hindsight how you got something wrong in the past but you are never wrong in the present. How any beginner is meant to learn from you is beyond me.
You just make up numbers to suit what you say. So if your definition is to constantly get facts wrong then maybe you should have become a politician.
But I will praise you where praise is due, nobody has managed to sell as much orchid boosters as you have without any evidence that any of them work.
So another sign you should have gone up against Trump instead of Biden. You would have sold people on godknows what, you probably would have invented semi-politics to get you going.
Anyway now people know the truth at least.
If you still don't believe me, well Ray didn't even bother to fix the mistake I pointed out but to prove my point I will highlight another example where Ray just botches numbers together to come to the conclusions he wants to have:
Originally Posted by Ray
If our fertilizer contains no magnesium, and we want to add that same 0.071gram per gallon using Epsom Salt, we would need 0.071g ÷ 0.10 = 0.71g of Epsom Salt per gallon of solution.
As can be seen here:
Magnesium Supplementation › First Rays LLC
So let me ask everyone, since when was 0.071 grams ÷ 0.10 = 0.71g?
But this is why I left and still have left. Why most good growers eventually leave OB
Anyone left will be the expert remaining but that doesn't mean much as we can see now.
I never meant to argue or annoy. I wanted to find the truth.
But finding the truth means disagreeing with wrong information and if that wrong information comes from Ray 90% of the time that is a bit of a problem.
But hey its me. So everyone grow orchids as well as Ray.
How good are the orchids Ray grows? No clue, he never shows them and up till recently he was feeding so badly he wasn't getting many blooms according to his own admissions on past mistakes.
I was once a beginner too, there is no shame in that. We all start off as beginners but to insist one never makes mistakes and constantly has to insult other members to discredit them is just pathetic.
Yes that makes me pathetic and the reason I have left.
So peace out my friends. I hope it encourages you all to do your own research and conclusions and not just trust the person selling these products that they are what you need.