Coronavirus & Mail-Order Plants
In my newsletter, I recently shared the precautions I take with the products I sell to minimize the chance of spreading the coronavirus. One subscriber asked about dealing with plants we order for delivery by mail, and whether the coronavirus can even live on plants, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to share my response.
I have no knowledge about whether the virus can live on a plant, but let’s assume it can, as if an infected person coughed and sprayed the thing with droplets while packing it. I think the wise actions are as follows:
1) When the package arrives, don’t bring the box into your home.
2) While wearing gloves, open the box, unpack the plant, and dispose of all the packaging materials.
3) Set the plant aside and dispose of the gloves – I would also use hand sanitizer after that, just in case you accidentally came into contact with anything while removing the gloves.
4) Mix up some liquid detergent (I like Dawn) in water and completely spray the plant and pot, wetting all surfaces. A teaspoon per gallon is plenty.
5) Wait 30 seconds or more and rinse it all with plain water.
That should do it, and we have the added bonus of having removed dirt and any insects that may have hitched a ride.
Stay healthy!