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Old 03-09-2020, 11:58 AM
jmrathbun jmrathbun is offline

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Default Covid-19

Our local club is winding up for its annual show and sale next month. It's the biggest in the SE US outside of Florida and attracts exhibitors, judges, and attendees from all over. Several large rooms are full to overflowing with plants and people throughout the three days of the show. Similar events are held routinely throughout the US and abroad.

Question: Is this appropriate with the current onslaught of Covid-19, which has sickened over 100,000 people that we know of, killing roughly 3% of them, including over 500 documented cases in the US to date? Bear in mind that the death rate for young, healthy folks may be closer to 1% while older, infirm, and juveniles may be closer to 5% and it apparently spreads readily through casual contact for weeks before symptoms are evident.
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Old 03-09-2020, 12:34 PM
Clawhammer Clawhammer is offline
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If the show was this weekend I would probably go. Next month, who knows... I don't think this thing is going away until there is a vaccine and normalcy will be increasingly affected. If I were a vendor I would not be investing time or money in doing shows this year.

Everyone take care and use your best judgement.
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Old 03-09-2020, 02:08 PM
OrchidBro OrchidBro is offline
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Don't buy into the media hysteria. You are more likely to get the flu and die from it than Covid-19. I would consider the flu more of an "onslaught" (34 million cases in the US alone with over 20,000 deaths) but to each his own. Having the annual show is completely appropriate and it is up to people to decide whether they go or not.
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Old 03-09-2020, 02:12 PM
Clawhammer Clawhammer is offline
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Originally Posted by OrchidBro View Post
Don't buy into the media hysteria. You are more likely to get the flu and die from it than Covid-19. I would consider the flu more of an "onslaught" (34 million cases in the US alone with over 20,000 deaths) but to each his own. Having the annual show is completely appropriate and it is up to people to decide whether they go or not.
It is not hysteria. This is not the flu, it is a totally new disease, no one has immunity and a vaccine is a year away. Mortality is 3.1% vs. .1% for the flu. If 10% of the US were to contract covid19 a million people would die at that mortality rate. The stock market has not lost 30% of its value because of media hysteria. Hoarding TP is dumb but this thing is going to touch on all aspects of life until a vaccine is widely available.
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Old 03-09-2020, 02:15 PM
JScott JScott is offline
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Covid 19 is mostly a threat to the very young, the very old, and the infirm (those with weakened immune systems). Influenza has a much higher mortality rate, and many more people die of influenza than of Covid i9, percentage-wise, and actual numbers-wise. I wouldn't let worrying about something the media has overblown affect you having a good time. Have your conference. Tell people to wash their hands a lot. Don't worry. Be happy.

Why I Am NOT Concerned About the Coronavirus - Regenexx

Last edited by JScott; 03-09-2020 at 02:47 PM..
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Old 03-09-2020, 02:43 PM
neophyte neophyte is offline
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The chances of your dying are pretty low. The chances of your spreading it to someone whose health is already compromised are pretty high. You should keep in mind who you will be coming in contact with after the show when weighing the two options. If you decide to go, make sure you have a plan on how you will sanitize/clean yourself and your clothes afterwards.
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Old 03-09-2020, 03:26 PM
thefish1337 thefish1337 is offline
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The risk to old folks is incredibly high and I'd chance a guess that many orchid societies are heavily weighted towards older members. It's also selfish to think that just because the risk to *you* isn't high that spreading a highly infectious disease is no big deal. Our healthcare system is not equipped to deal if hospitalizations increase and people avoiding getting sick will go a long way to preventing problems. If you don't get hospital care the mortality rate is much higher. Since the federal government has fudged its response so badly misinformation and media panic is spreading because there aren't qualified health professionals speaking to the public.
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Old 03-09-2020, 04:15 PM
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maintain extra diligent hygene and you should be okay- i would not advise avoiding any normal activities, just adjust the way you behave.

don't shake hands and avoid person to person contact, wash your hands often, do NOT touch your face (mouth, eyes and nose) and use the sanitizer often when washing is not available.

if EVERYONE did the above then the spread of this and all diseases would be significantly reduced.

Govern your self based on your location and the risks in your region.
All the ways I grow are dictated by the choices I have made and the environment in which I live. Please listen and act accordingly
Rooted in South Florida....

Zone 10b, Baby! Hot and wet

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Old 03-09-2020, 05:44 PM
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Frankly, I’d consider cancelling.

YOU may not get hysterical over the virus, but others are, so I’ll bet the turnout will be slim.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 03-09-2020, 06:10 PM
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Ray raises a really good point, considering the goal of the show is to maximize attendance and thus sales, the general fear will certainly at least chill the turnout if not worse
All the ways I grow are dictated by the choices I have made and the environment in which I live. Please listen and act accordingly
Rooted in South Florida....

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