So....I just got back from hiking in Pawtuckaway State Park (which is very very cool) and I spotted my first wild
Goodyera pubescens!!!! I was able to identify by my trusty little National Audobon Society Field Giude to Wild Flowers Eastern Region. Very exciting, currently with blooms and seedpods! If it wasn't for a very annoying "call of nature" while trying to avoid a group of hikers coming up from a pond, and hoofing it to the other side of the trail, I would have never spotted them.
I guess this is just one more exmple of my belief that there is no such thing as coiincidence.
Do not worry, there are photos, I'm dropping the film off on Thursday and I am going back on Sunday to do an actual survey of how many are within the colony, soil pH, the surrounding plants and to see if there are any other colonies nearby.
And, in case anyone was wondering, I heeded nature's call well away from the little jems.