Happen to have a photo?
Not uncommon for neps to quit pitchering over the winter as well as to have the past summer's pitchers die off. With some neps, part of the problem is the lack of humidity indoors (unless in a terr). With others, it is a matter of the decrease in light and temps (assuming one has an intermediate or warm grower .... which you do) experienced during the winter months. As light strengthens and duration increases, and temps get warmer, yours should kick into gear.
Any browned out leaves and pitchers can be removed. As far as the half browned out pitchers go, its your call. They can be removed. On the other hand, as long as they still have liquid in the lower portion, they can still be used. Annoying insects like box elder beetles can be dropped into them. Or, if you have some osmocote type pellets on hand, you can drop one into one of the pitchers.
If your plant has reached its vining stage, then now is the time to buy/make a trellis or tomato cage for it.