Originally Posted by Dollythehun
A well grown Sharry Baby should do the trick.
Funny that you mention it, I've actually got a Sharry Baby in an 8" pot that's just about my pride and joy, she threw 2 flower spikes this go around and is just maturing 4 new growths so I'm sure I'll see more blooms by the end of the spring

I've mainly got miniatures going right now, my Twinkles and Tsiku Marguerites are going wild and my bedroom constantly smells sweet.
---------- Post added at 02:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:52 AM ----------
Originally Posted by estación seca
Anything with Brassia in its heritage will have large pseudobulbs. And look at Peristeria elata, if you have room for 3 foot + / over 1 meter leaves. It's not an Oncidium but the pseudobulbs are amazing.
I've had some Brassias in the past and loved them, working to build my collection back up. Disaster struck last winter, taking me from 130+ orchids down to 3 quite literally overnight... I'd moved everyone outside because the forecast said it was supposed to stay in the high 40s, when in actuality it decided to hit 19 degrees that night...

I'm still not sure how the three survived but I suppose I'm not meant to question it, just thank my lucky stars!