Hey everyone
I just have a quick question about my tolumnia Jairak Flyer 'Carnation.' First of all, has anyone grown this? When I got it, it bloomed for me pretty quickly but the blooms were very different from the pictures online. They seemed like a very washed-out red instead of deep red and purple. Still adorable, but it might have been like that due to conditions during transport. But if not I don't mind if the colors stay that way.
I grow it on a shelf with my other oncidiums in my bedroom. I live in Georgia and it receives southern exposure (though it's been so cloudy and rainy this winter I've attached a grow light to the shelf for supplemental light), 50-70% humidity, water twice a week during the winter right now (I'm sure that'll pick up once the temperatures get into the 70's in spring and summer). It's on the far wall of my room so it doesn't get direct sunlight or anything. It has a new fan growing on the side and roots everywhere. Very little medium in a small plastic pot, so I keep that pot in a larger plastic pot with a bit of medium for some stability.
Anyway, my concern is that when I cut the flower stem off after it had officially dried (no chance of it reblooming on the spike), it started to develop an infection on two of the nearby leaves, so I snipped them and dabbed a bit of cinnamon on them. No issues and the whatever-it-was stopped and it was happy again. But a new leaf was growing between the ones I snipped and now it's starting to turn a pale yellow. No signs of rot or infection. Thoughts on the little yellow leaf? My theories include not giving it enough water for the new leaf and the new little fan. I've just been trying to stay cautious since the winter has us at low temps this year.
I appreciate any help!!!