Originally Posted by Ray
Things to consider:
> Insufficient humidity
> Insufficient water (or a poor root system that simply cannot take it up fast enough) - although the pseudobulbs look OK
> Overfeeding
I do underwater routinely, so that might be it. It seems to have lots of healthy roots from what I see in the pot. Overfeeding could be it also, I realized that my fertilizing schedule caused a few plants to abort buds.
I live in Phoenix and I have observed that my plants bloom without a humidifier, so away it went. It is monsoon season, so I assume the humidity goes from 10 to 20 percent. That could be it also. I mostly grow phals and cattleyas which for the most part have no leaf issues in this humidity range, but that doesn't mean this is true for oncidiums.
Thanks everyone, I have some variables to tinker with now. I think I will start with the watering issue.