Looks like my Psychopsis bud is finally about to open! I see a small crack in the side! These things are so slow to develop...
Will post some new ones when it opens - I'm guessing at least another week.
this seems to be the most recent psychopsis thread so i will ask here:
When to repot the psychopsis????
Mine has just started its first spike. hurray.
nonetheless, i was about to take it from its plastic pot to wooden slat basket. now i think i should probably wait. but since they bloom forever, when should i do it?
I didnt want to throw out the old medium it is still fairly fresh, I just wanted to drop the old rootball and medium into a new larger basket with new medium around the edge. should i do it now? or wait till it has had a few blooms? the spike has just started. it is only about a half inch tall.
Is there a reason you want to move it to a bigger pot? Is it growing into the side of your old pot? You stated the medium is still fresh - so that's not the issue.
OK, I am embarrassed. you got me there. I thought it would look more neeter in a slat pot - i like the wooden slat pots. I've seen some orchids growing out of them before in greenhouses and in florida, and i saw some at the orchid show in NY recently. the Psychopsis Mendelhall is the pride of my collection! i want to hang it!! some of the roots are growing out of the bottom of the clear plastic pot - but i think it would look cool if the roots were more visible, twisting everywhere and hugging the wooden basket. So yes, the orchid is happy as is...but i wanted to make things more beautiful than they are. can i be faulted for this? is this why we love the plants because we love to watch them grow and love their habit? love their bloom? and hate them too for the anxiety they give us worrying mothers wondering if we have done something wrong. have i overfertilized? is the humidity high enough? is it too hot? is there enough airflow? is the light level right? we want the best for our "chids". (i cant believe i said that).
HAhahahah... that's great. Yeah it's all true. If you really want to do that, then do it! If it blasts for some reason, then it will just grow a new spike later.... no big deal. Better to get it over with now, while it's still small, then to traumatize it later when it's larger.
Mine's now opened all the way, I just don't have a picture of it yet... will in the next day or so.