Originally Posted by Ray
I will also question the nutrient deficiency.
►What is the formula of the fertilizer you use?
►At what concentration do you mix it up - real numbers please, no relative statements like "half strength".
►How often do you feed?
My fertalizing routine is as follows.
I alternate between a 25-10-10 water soluble fertilizer mixed at 3ml per 5L of water, and a bloom booster 15-30-15 mixed at the same ratio.
I alternate each with a regular soak and flush in between with Plain water.
This is if I’m only required to water once a week, if I need to water more than once on any give no week I use plain water.
FYI-plain water is tap water that I store in 5G pail so the chlorine can evaporate.
I should add that I grow this in very high light along with my Cattleyas, nodosa and Encyclias, I have it pulled back about a foot from my south window so it is somewhat shaded by the larger plants in front. I have tried growing it in less light but any place other than that window in my house is not near enough light and it looses all the mottling on the leaves, which I was under the assumption meant it was too low of light levels.