08-22-2017, 09:55 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2016
Zone: 6b
Location: New York
Posts: 1,360
Originally Posted by estación seca
I think it's probably a goner. The brown rot almost always enters through the roots, and kills the rhizomes of the parent pseudobulb and any new growths, before it is visible.
I can keep Oncidiums alive, but unhappily too dry, in large bark. If I could water every day it would probably work, but I can't.
Moss works extremely well for me when it's cooler. I have to stand them in dishes of water. Moss does not work at all here in hot weather.
S/H works well for Oncidiums here once they get established. If they aren't established in S/H before hot weather hits, that's really bad.
A member of our orchid society grows Oncidium intergenerics wonderfully in her low-humidity home, in vases, with standing water partially up the roots - not touching the pseudobulb bases. I'm going to try that.
At our orchid society meeting three nights ago, another member showed a Colmanara Wildcat flowering in a vase with just water. A nursery clerk gave him a single pseudobulb, pulled out of the trash, in November 2016. He had heard our water culture member talk about it during club show and tell. He put the pseudobulb in a vase with a little water. As it grew roots he raised it so the pseudobulb wasn't touching the water, but the roots were in it. The plant matured one new growth, flowering now, and is making two more.
Oh Boy, ...this is certainly not sounding so good here and something what I was afraid of..