I mounted my Oncid. papillo Mendenhall Hildos about 3 years ago. The tree I mounted it in died almost immediately from the Rapid Ohia Death. So, this Oncid has been in rather high light conditions since mounting it. Then, something has been eating the tips of the flower spikes, birds I'm sure, maybe slugs also. On top of all that, it is almost impossible to get a decent pic of the flowers because it's fairly high up in the tree and the flowers are against the bare sky when viewed from the ground.
A week ago I pulled out a ladder and took a pic of the lone flower that had opened.

This has been typical of its blooming - One lone flower bobbing around up high in the tree.
Today, I happened to walk by and look up. To my amazement there were 3 flowers open on 2 of the 3 inflorescences.

The third inflorescence look as if it might also open another flower before the other 3 fade, ending up with relatively gobs and gobs of flowers.
Miltonioda [Cochlioda X Miltonia] Maui Charm

I had mounted this on a stump. Then, the weeds overgrew it, covering it and blocking the light to it.
Then, it fell off its mount. So, I picked it up and laid it on top of a trash can enclosure until I could decide on where to move it to. I may leave it here. It seems to like it.