Hi there, the orchid arrived very well packed on Thursday lunchtime. To my amazement it has not one but two flower spikes
- my understanding of Italian being limited to grazie and not much more, I thought the one euro cheaper option was for a plant ready to flower but not in bud as this one is.
So far I have watered it and put it in semishade while I try and work out its perfect spot. The humidity it requires I need help on please. I have an old book that say Odont.s need high humidity at night as well as cool because they come from high altitudes and must therefore get dew like some cacti survive on. I have central heating but could keep an area cooler at night behind insulating curtains on a west facing window which would give me time to move it each day before sun comes round. So do I spray it at bedtime each day?
I'll post a pic when my home pc is fixed. I'm currently at the local art centre cos the motherboard or chip blew thursday so no scanner and no upload.
As to the price for delivery worth every penny.
TTFN Hedge