Would love to add a brassia to my resume', not any one in particular. Would greatly appreciate any links or suggestions on where variety of choices, and quality of the plants are good. Thanks for your time!
Now is the time for orchid shows. Most major cities will have one so you could check with your local orchid society and see if they have one coming up. Often vendors from all over, including other countries come to these shows, so it wouldn't be too hard to find a Brassia (and many other orchids) at a show like this. It's lovely to see all the orchid displays as well.
Greetings to a new member! Any local orchid societies near you? Membership has many advantages. Also check outThe Orchid Mall - Everything in Orchids which gives vendors in each state...to begin with. And yes,show season abounds but do some reading first on your preferences and try to determine your growing conditions.Beware of empty wallet syndrome!