Need help reading what my Psychopsis Mendenhall Hildos want. I purchased it a few months ago with 2 spikes which i promptly broke the shorter one by accident. The taller spike blasted its 3rd bud in a row and i just cant figure out what im doing wrong.
I repotted it as soon as i got it and it had a mass of healthy roots. It didnt skip a beat and continued to grow its spike. When it blasted the second bud i decided to try watering more as i read some were having success watering a bit more. I use the skewer method. In the beginning i was watering when skewer is dry almost to the tip and now i water when its about halfway. It responded well as it is producing a new growth and the broken spike is regrowing from the next node and roots coming out from the bottom & side of the pot. This third bud did get a little bigger than the last 2 but darn it it turned yellow this morning again!
It is light? The leaves did have more defined spots when i got it and now its about 1/3 faded. My other oncidium is doing fine putting out spike next to it I grow on a south facing windowsill (with obstruction) and the only other option i have is to put it outside on the fire escape for more light but im afraid to burn it. Can it handle direct sun? Fire escape would prob provide unshaded sun till 3pm or ill have to move the plant in and out during cloudy vs full sun days which canbe touch and go. With how clumsy i am ill probably break the spike moving it like what happened with the second spike...sigh.
Or....does this plant just keeps putting out buds even when it is still trying to adjust to new environment? Do i just need to be patient? I wana see some butterflies...we did get a heat wave these past couple of days but i do have a small fan running 24/7. Not sure what the next step is?