From your new pictures the roots look okay. The picture's not the greatest. You can remove the old potting mix, you might have to use tweezers for some. There might be rotting in the center. Then repot.
Several ways to remove old potting mix from root balls like this:
1 Swish the root ball rapidly and forcefully back and forth in a bucket full of water. Start with oscillations of about 3"-4" and increase. Stop every half minute and remove loosened potting mix. The last few chunks of mix you will probably need to remove with your fingers. Old, dead roots often fall off with this treatment.
2 Spray a forceful stream of water on the root ball with a garden hose, kitchen sink tap or bathroom hose shower. Take care soil does not go down your drain. This also removes some dead roots.
3 Soak the root ball thoroughly, then pick out old potting mix with your hands and a long tweezers.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.