Good morning everyone. I just thought I would share my newest orchid, Miltassia Shelob! This is my first oncidium inter generic orchid. It is also a Lowes find and out of what they had this was the best one. The fragrance is amazing! I have done research regarding it's care but would love to hear from anyone else's experiences. Thanks all and enjoy!
P.S - it has two spikes. The first picture is of the first.
Very nice find. My sister got me one of these - not from Lowe's - last year for my bday. Right now mine is outside (has been for couple months now) and receiving direct afternoon light, which is on its way to being too much as we get into July so I will be shading it more. Point being though it does like brighter than Phal light but not as bright as my Oncidium Heaven Scent. Also mine is a thirsty bugger and is enjoying life in a clay pot.
Oh so pretty!
Our Shelob actually sits next to our Sharry Baby and Gower Ramsey, and is putting out new growth, seems happy It is winter here though, so maybe for summer I won't put her with the high light Oncs.